
I agree about its being all surface. I think it's best regarded as an exploitation movie. You can take a meaning from it but only from the work as a unified whole and what it represents, as opposed to trying to find meaning in individual scenes in the context of the film.

@Scrawler2:disqus It seems increasingly relevant given the spate of LiLo news.

How about an ankle bracelet and cocaine?

Pretty sick of this flagging business. I don't know why it is happening
so much more recently. It may not contribute to an on topic discussion
but to me anything that isn't like hate speech level offensive or
specifically targeted harassment against individual commenters should

I thought that was a little bit later. I got really into mod style when I was a freshman in high school. I had a lime green miniskirt I was crazy about and I wore headbands (which I don't look good in, at least now) and knee socks and stuff. Ah youth!

Wow, I had no idea "Mad Style" existed. That's so cool.
I could watch several episodes that only consist of Sally in various late-60's teenage schoolgirl outfits, until the point where I had to turn it off out of jealousy over her clothes.

Whenever I see "Slurpee" I think about how in Charles Baxter's The Feast Of Love it was what the young couple in the book called it when he would go down on her. Bringing it right back to @avclub-51776a4ff0c944bff4261504f21e1973:disqus.

I thought Marilyn Manson was the less-talented Bowie.

Enough with Amazon already! Jesus fucking christ!

@Scrawler2:disqus Sure, I'll give you that, but there is a sharp distinction between Frances's financial circumstances and her trust-fund pals. I've said this before on here but I've always taken it that when her friend says that it's offensive to the actually poor to call herself poor, he's actually the one who

That's a great post! Thanks for sharing it! I actually agree with basically everything you wrote in it. I think "What initially seems like relatively harmless escapism becomes, in context, a never-ending barrage of hollow superficiality and sexuality" is particularly apt - that's the main takeaway for me.

The women in the group were very bitchy to her, the men were nice to her (I don't know what to make of this exactly, but it's one of the most interesting things about the movie to me, maybe because it's enigmatic). I'm not saying that she behaved in a pleasant way but that I felt bad for her inability to know how to

@avclub-ed7db929d473c5593ce0501539c6e19f:disqus I realize you retracted making this criticism about Frances Ha specifically, but I'll take this opportunity to comment on the subject in general, that to me the interesting and refreshing thing about the movie is that Frances isn't like that - she is actually poor, not

I'm generally in favor of owning your taste but I can generally understand what people mean when they make this distinction. I think it's best applied to circumstances when you like something for some kind of personal reason. Or food. Like, maybe the "best" thing I've eaten all year is from some fancy tapas place,

Stoker was definitely my favorite movie of the year so far.

I feel completely the opposite. I thought it commented on the vacuousness and degredation of party culture. I loved it too though.

Come on, how bad can it be? It has Christian Bale and Casey Affleck in it! I would probably watch a movie length reel of either one of them doing pretty much anything.

I had a whole Dutch girl costume with braids and checked apron and everything. It was great. I also looked way more Dutch at that point in my life; at 5'7" I'm basically the shortest woman in the entire extended family on my mom's side.

I found Mars Attacks so unfunny I didn't realize it was supposed to be a comedy and I was absolutely terrified by it. Like lying awake in bed for several nights level terrified. It's probably traumatized me more than any other movie I've ever seen, including Meet The Feebles.

OMG thanks! Great idea!!!