
Aw, this makes me wish I still had my old profile picture.

@WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus I did have wooden shoes and I wore them in a parade once. I didn't wear them for everyday though.

I think the chart makes a stab at assessing the nature of the claim e.g. "I made" vs. "I'm worth" but yeah, you're right.

They're normal flies. No trash. They're not interested in food either. Internet and speculation suggests maybe something died in the walls. They're definitely breeding somewhere in the apartment. I put in multiple requests to the landlord, whom I hate dealing with. I really wanted to set off a bug bomb and just

I too came on to say Grand Rapids. That's the airport you fly into at least. I spent a huge chunk of my life going to Holland every summer, as all my relatives lived there.

This is the only one of these I've liked so far.

I have a fucking fly infestation in my apartment. Is this a problem Spider-Man could handle? I don't have enough actual spiders to take care of it. They are breeding somewhere. I am looking at apartments, although I don't think I could really move from a practical standpoint. I have extremely low expectations for my

I did some investigating and I think everything is fine and that I could delete my profile if I wanted to (the email address I use for AV Club is totally different from either of my two disqus accounts - I have one for commenting on a blog I like under my real name and then the one I just registered - and I changed

I read it when it came out. I didn't think it was so bad. I was in a big phase of reading prison stories because I had been doing a project on Russian prison. I didn't find her particularly appealing but it seemed like she was the kind of person who would have trouble writing about something that wasn't her own

I didn't merge anything. When I registered it said something like "We've detected other accounts that may be yours, verify your account to merge" and I freaked out and didn't verify. I'm just going to leave it alone and hope nothing happens.

I fucking hate Tumblr. I too dislike the Dissolve layout. Like, it will actively prevent me from reading it. And yeah, those writer portraits are . . . something.

[insert The Magicians reference here]

I registered a Disqus account with a different email address and this same name in case I wanted to comment over there, then freaked out it would somehow reveal my identity (although I think a lot of you sort of know where I live anyway), then wanted to delete that account, but am terrified that deleting that account


My boyfriend shaved his off while I was on vacation (he warned me before I left but still). If the committee has any leftover censure I'd take some for him, too.

Those look so awesome. I love the first dress a lot. You're right that it's a little bit of a weird length (I recently got a dress the same precisely-to-the-knee length too) but I got used to it after a while and wearing with heels might help that too.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I've mentioned it to my doctor - she recommended Prilosec or Zantac and I take Zantac sometimes. It doesn't interfere with my life as much as it sounds with yours except during sex and when working out (because of being shaken around) so it's more of a physical thing than triggered by food,

I love oatmeal (like "Do you want to MARRY it?" level love). I make "real" oatmeal on the weekend with rolled oats and either cinnamon, brown sugar and raisins in the winter or chopped strawberries and cinnamon in the summer. At work I have Whole Foods brand instant oatmeal with a splash of milk and a banana chopped

Once in a while I will make something on the weekend or in the evening and eat it a couple times but I really don't like leftovers very much (and on the weekend is especially when I'd rather do stuff that's not cooking) and I have basically no freezer space. Sorry, I realize I'm just whining at this point. The

My mom actually thought the lyric was "Mexican lucky." (Incidentally, I haven't bothered to correct her.) I found this bizarre until I learned it was a misperception many others shared.