
I remember that! I remember being really amazed at the idea of learning a language from listening to it. I think that must really take forever. It's a cool idea though.

Excellent points!

What the fuck is wrong with you? If anyone in this world is particularly likely to care about Sesame Street, it's New Yorker editors, along with all other people who are interested in supporting American arts and culture.

I didn't even watch it because I could tell how sad it would make me! Bambi too. I also had to be taken out of The Lion King because I got so upset, and still have never seen the whole thing.

@Scrawler2:disqus I didn't think they were a couple (I didn't watch the show very much though, due to my puppet phobia) - I thought they were roommates, and as a result I still can't get that impression out of my head because that's what I imprinted on as a little kid. I think if I watched it now I might think they

Hey! Take that back about the New Yorker!

@avclub-aa854f5836947cdf62324ba7d74e1c43:disqus If you're into that kind of thing you can watch Meet The Feebles.

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus Jesus fucking christ, this is by far the closest any AV Club comment, ever, has brought me to actually throwing up on my keyboard. That's going on the "unsee" list below Haunted.

Anyone who is thinking about getting outraged by this . . . please note that this is something that has gone on for literally centuries. There are so many books that are already "cover versions" (though I admit that's a pretty unappealing way to describe it) of Shakespeare plays. The only difference is that now they

Late to the game, but I have to firmly second this and other pro-beard sentiments. After all my complaining last week in Savage Love, my boyfriend hasn't shaved in like two weeks and I'm all excited again. He looks SO GOOD. I have been giving verbal reinforcement to try to maintain this effect, but I'm not sure how

Oh god, I shudder to think of what I posted here in, like, 2008.

I don't mind quite so much if the activity is not borne out in real life immediately, though I would definitely not want all talk and no action as a rule. I just really like talking about it in the moment. But if you go long enough without actually doing it then you run out of fuel for talking about it!

Cool. If you want a rec, my boyfriend just lent me his running earbuds because my headphones broke. I hate earbuds but these are actually pretty good. They're Bose brand, have a black and white stripey cord, and they have a rubber thing that actually goes into your ear and then a little curved piece that fits into the

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus Oh yeah - I know exactly what you mean. I realize that it's literature, and that we do this kind of thing when we're describing our own lives in different contexts, but it's very jarring when something is sort of used because it fits in well in one book and then

I like earrings and perfume. If you are good at buying the kind of jewelry she likes I think that's pretty much a perfect gift, because it's something you can wear all the time and get compliments on. But if she doesn't like jewelry, I don't know. When I buy people presents I like to get them something they can easily

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I'm honestly not that picky and there aren't any words that will actually derail the proceedings. I apparently like talking during sex a lot more than most people do though. Like I basically want a running commentary. It doesn't even have to be about stuff we want to do

I almost died kayaking once! In Maine. My mom is still traumatized about it.

I love that word just as an expletive, but I really don't like it in a sexual context even though dirty talk is one of my favorite things ever. I definitely wouldn't throw someone out over it though. (Now I'm wondering if there's anything I would throw someone out for.)

I think its style of presentation is actually more insidious because it tries to make you feel like you are watching something unadulterated by interpretation, when you are not.

Can you comment more on what you learned from this documentary? I too feel like I have a really good idea of everything that happened and how it happened - I've pretty much stopped reading primary sources on the Holocaust.