
I loved American Wife. I mean I love Prep more but American Wife is so good. It strikes me as quite realistic (not to actual Bush family history, which I know jack about but to how real people act). Have you read The Man of My Dreams? I thought it was pretty bad the first time I read it but I got way more out of it

God, I read that book about forty thousand times. A while afterwards, she came to talk at the college in the town I grew up in. I was so excited to go and get my book signed but I ended up feeling like I just didn't want to get into it all over again, which was, I think, the right decision.
I really wasn't crazy about

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Oh, interesting. I'd like to read that. I absolutely love reading about the history of this area. Sorry to hear it's not great - let me know if you think it is is worth checking out anyway.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus It might be necessary! I have piles of newspapers in my room like a crazy person. I sort them in different stacks corresponding to what I am saving them for, the order I plan to read them in (things I want to read in the next week vs. just whenever), crossword puzzles,

Yes! I was going to say that I have to assume this is looking for funny stories. This could become a major downer.

If I were in your position, I would call up Morgan Stanley (I'd call them in particular for the random reason that my dad has the same kind of thing with someone from there - she manages some money and gives him financial advice, and also a few stocks. I had some money with her for a while too), explain your situation

I posted this just yesterday: http://www.avclub.com/artic… I don't think it's comedy gold or anything (or even "funny" per se) but I thought it was at least worth a remark!

@avclub-e1124c85b8750ec73766ed905c3ff2b2:disqus I'm not arguing a legal point; I'm commenting on how the average member of the public would understand something. "Hit and run" is a set phrase in the popular lexicon separate from whatever definition it may carry in a court of law, which evidently can vary from state to

I don't like Chris Brown either, but why sacrifice accuracy? I am perfectly willing to believe that California law defines a "hit and run" that way. But the average person thinks of a "hit and run" as a scenario in which you hit someone in your car, don't acknowledge that anything happened, maybe don't get out of the

I like that much better - I generally like to read a book slowly, especially something I like this much that is so long. I've just been so busy with work and stuff that I was really looking forward to having a huge chunk of time to devote to it. I'm hoping to get back into reading it at a steady pace.

I think it's a weird comparison because War and Peace is a genre-defining classic and the cornerstone of an entire field of literary study, and the other is a fantasy series that came out in the last 20 years.

I'm reading War and Peace too. I read exactly half of it when I went to Puerto Rico the first weekend of June but I've unfortunately only a couple chapters since. I am really loving it.

I have to agree. A hit and run is where you hit someone and then drive off pretending absolutely nothing happened. This is a hit and provide false insurance information.

I admit I like the song, but how can you not feel like Vanderslice comes off worse having read this?

Great - I will get back you to as soon as possible with my thoughts - but it will take me a little bit because I want to give it some thought first!

Inquiring minds want to know, do people think this is a feasible activity? I feel like it would get pretty dry.

@avclub-6dafab5f86d9e5f32ba9ce303d86098f:disqus Yeah, I'd agree, I don't think Lust for Life is intentionally subversive in the same way something like this song (Semi-Charmed Life) would be considered. It has intentional positive affect despite the subject matter.

I don't think this is exactly what you are looking for, but I have an acquaintance whose subject (that she wrote her dissertation on) is fandom and serial narratives, including group relation to pop culture.

Yeah, this is one of the worst songs in the entire world. I also want to submit Meet Virginia, Drops of Jupiter and Kryptonite. In complete seriousness, I think I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard for the same duration than any one of those songs.

@avclub-ded081fcbbe6cda656e5bc51dfc6bbfa:disqus The Great Brain books are the best. They're one of my very, very favorite series ever. They have such great values, lots of excitement, and they're also kind of procedural.