
I love it too. I didn't even like it when it came out (too young I guess). I like it now, as an adult.

Children's books are written by adults.


@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus Maybe someone flagged it by mistake. I don't know if it goes into moderation after only one flag, but if it does, that would be a sensible explanation. I've definitely flagged something by mistake before.

I hate Roger, so I was annoyed she asked him over and especially said that she was letting him be a part of Kevin's life, but I thought Bob's presence was a nice fuck-you to him.

Incidentally I think she's like about to turn 30 at this point. But she's actually a good person, unlike many others on the show, so I don't think it would be unfathomable for her to stay "faithful" to Don, assuming they stay married. I feel bad using the word "faithful" though because it's not like he's honoring his

@GhaleonQ:disqus It's a natural revulsion, I've had it my entire life. My mom tells this story that for my first birthday, my grandmother asked her what she thought I would like, and asked if I had any dolls. I didn't and my mom thought it was a nice idea, so my grandmother decided to get me a baby doll. And when I

Her career momentum storyline hasn't ended - she literally ends the season in Don's office. And sure, part of how she ends up there is due to her romantic relationship with a man, but in a very flipped way. Don's departure creates a vacuum at the top of creative, which Ted would fill, but he's going to California

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Liked, liked, a thousand times liked.

Thanks guys. @avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Yes - they were super understanding which I really appreciated; they have a kid with developmental disabilities, plus, you know, they are nice people. But I didn't thank them or anything because I didn't want to talk about it at all. I just felt like a total

I don't think he's starting to find true happiness. What the fuck is he going to do without his job? Something better, maybe, but I think it's a major blow and that this is a comeuppance. As is Megan leaving him, if that pans out.

She looked much better in the scene where Ted came into her office to tell her he was going to LA. That's not a good dress.

"You tell them that the next thing will be better, because it always is."

I thought it was hilarious. There just isn't much point to their doing anything about it. She's out of their life, he's out of her life, there's no money to obtain, etc.

Yes, all of this. The quality of Don's work as well as his ability to maintain a professional demeanor in the office and with clients has been visibly declining, and I think in an appreciably natural way (it's clear, but not unnaturally obviously presented). I think the Chevy/draft dodging issue was one of the most

I agree, I think she had quite mixed feelings about him leaving his wife for her. That's a huge responsibility to put on someone. It's frequently said that it never works out with the person you leave your spouse for (I have no idea how often this is reflected in real life though).

I liked the last episode more. This episode didn't feel much like a season finale to me either, except that a lot of dramatic decisions were made without any indication of whether or not they would remain in effect. And yeah, they jumped ahead at least six months - early summer to late November.

I don't find that surprising in the least given that Christianity is a major underpinning of most Western cultural traditions, and moreover that many of Todd's previous reviews have noted religious themes in the show.

@avclub-7d700d04feccf78fb4ce28ac50e1c7f9:disqus It was actually Portuguese.

I think I'm aware of advertising too, both its intended effects and its effects on what I buy. Of course, nobody is actually ever as aware of anything as we would like to believe we are, but I think I'm at least semi aware of it. Out of curiosity, what don't you like about advertising? Do you think it leads people to