
Thanks! Actually, there was an another less awesome part I didn't mention but now will. I think I've mentioned on here before that I have an overly pronounced phobia/aversion to the uncanny valley (puppets, monkeys, dolls, etc.). In particular I have a deep seated revulsion toward babies. So Sunday afternoon my

I had a really great weekend. I was occupied with social activity for a lot of it but I did see one movie, The Bling Ring. I was a little disappointed by it in that it didn't deliver anything whatsoever outside what I was expecting, but it was also somewhat satisfying, because I basically wanted to see an entire movie

Re. his leading man potential: I just saw Cabin in the Woods for the first time last weekend and one of the trivia points about it on IMDb was that the reason that Fran Kranz's character didn't go in the water while they were all swimming is basically that he was even hotter than the other dudes with his shirt off,

I still feel haunted by that scene of Ted getting into bed with his wife and staring at the ceiling. It struck me as an incredibly realistic portrayal of how you would feel in that situation.

I wouldn't. I think the show depicts it as an art form. I think the person who genuinely doesn't like advertising also doesn't like buying things. And most people like buying at least some things.

@avclub-82704fa1c2dbdb928bf4eed0667260dd:disqus Yeah, I was thinking that myself.

Well, Pete doesn't actually care that much about his mom. The only thing, and I mean only, really tying her to him is the desire to maintain the semblance of propriety, and the vague sense of doing the right thing. Pete and Bud realized they were both kind of better off now that she's dead. I mean, I really don't

I cracked up when Bud goes "Well, it won't bring her back" and you can see the wheels turning that yeah, they're not actually going to do anything about it, because really, who cares.

I would rather literally anyone on the show triumph before Duck Phillips. Harry. Pete's mom. Joan's ex-husband Greg.

I thought she was in her early 30's.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Yeah, I really like that group Mt. Eden. They put on a pretty great live show (although shortly after I saw them I decided I was too old to go to dubstep shows - I think I was 23 or 24 at that time). This is one of my favorite songs of all time which they put out more

I am sorry - that really sucks. I know what it's like to have to go back to the doctor over and over again, and awful medication side effects on top of whatever is originally wrong with you. It can be so frustrating. I really hope you can get your glasses replaced soon and that next week is a lot better.

I love Marti Noxon, her episodes, and her commentary, even if nobody else does. If I recall correctly she was always willing to talk about the sets and behind the scenes stuff more than other people would, which I liked.

That's really great. It reminds me a little of a trip hop Sarah McLachlan, which is fitting for Buffy. (Dubstep Sarah McLachlan: http://www.youtube.com/watc… - I love that song)
Maybe my favorite song in Buffy is "Little Fury" by the Breeders, from "Him" when Dawn is dancing with that guy. It's so sexy - albeit way

But her hair was sooooo bad. And her outfits. Season 4 was really bad for outfits and hair in general.

The AV Club

I was just going to stay in tonight and catch up on sleep, but now I really want to go out. And drink a Moscow Mule somewhere. It is the longest day after all. Plus, this week I:

Do you have a good recipe? I tried making them a while ago and it came out awful.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Sure. I'd have sex with Alison Brie. I think.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Being able to feel the reverberations in your sternum is like the number one thing I like about dubstep shows.