
For what it's worth, I actually think you have a decent point. I had much the same initial reaction after reading the article. But I also think that Nathan Rabin has a decent point about not asking for sympathy, admitting it is all the result of his own bad decisions, etc. You both have good points. I am extremely

Oh my god.

Do people not like it? I haven't seen it but I like her other movies, but I had somehow thought that people really liked Lost In Translation. (I mean, my dad did, but he really likes Scarlett Johansson) Even though I couldn't speak from experience I was using it as an example of Sofia Coppola's work to try to convince

Also, this ("this" being "unusual verbs descriptive of a mode of speech") reminds me of one of the most memorably irritating moments of my young life. When I was in 4th grade, we were reading a book out loud in class (as you do in class sometimes. The next year we also read The Watsons Go To Birmingham out loud which

Emma Stone is decent too.

I seriously want to name a kid "Omar Little [last name]," but I realize this is a terrible idea.

I don't hate it either. It's pretty cool sounding. It's just fun to joke about. I don't know if I would name a kid North, but I have a normal last name, so I feel I could get away with it more than they can. Of course I plan on giving my kids super ethnic names, so sue me too.

That's very true. Sometimes it's shocking to think of all the reasonable things other countries do that would be just totally, laughably unthinkable here.

Is it pronounced like the continent or like Asia Argento? If the latter, I think that's actually even worse.

I think it's the combination of the fact that people were really expecting the name to be ridiculous so this is quite satisfying after a lot of buildup, and the fact that it's a set phrase, which not all stupid baby names are. Also, I think that "Blue Ivy" did get the same amount of hate, at least from what I remember

Wait, were we supposed to have respect for Kanye to lose over Kim Kardashian? This is a serious question. Do most people really take him seriously? He's a ridiculous person.

How about it!

Oh ok! I thought that's what you meant but I didn't quite get it. And that is very weird, but I haven't seen it with anyone but PugsMalone. You're unclickable but I can always see your name in those lists, as with Scrawler's.

@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus People aren't really making fun of them in a mean way though. There are plenty of people we would legitimately *mock*, like Brett Ratner or Paula Deen or Guy Fieri. This is just a joke that's about them. If someone made the same joke about me I would consider it pretty

What are the "liked" lists?

I like this phrasing of the joke better, but not sure it can overcome the momentum of the first post (which also fits a little better with the actual gesture).

Jesus christ.

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus Yeah, that catchphrase is one of the few (who am I kidding, many) things I would wipe off the face of the earth given the opportunity.

Oh man. I am still laughing (out loud) at this.

Yesterday as I rode my bike home from acupuncture I heard the worst cover of Wish You Were Here that I have ever heard, possibly that has ever existed, played by a street musician. I didn't even recognize it at first.