
I'm pretty sure I've discussed why I like 27 Dresses on here before.

@Dikachu:disqus I was mythtaken.

I think it probably depends on where you grew up, but not like it is in Israel.
On my Jewish history summer program in Berlin I met a girl who had been raised in a superconservative exclusively Jewish community and had had a major loss of faith/breaking from the culture experience. They got dragged on this trip to

@Dikachu:disqus I'm always amazed that it had such currency just from that. Did Sexy Losers have much more widespread popularity than I thought? I've always regarded it as more of an obscure thing, but I could be totally wrong. And weirdly I was just typing about Sexy Losers a short while ago.

I read a YA comic book novelization about a young Mary Jane - it was about her struggles with ballet class and developing the early stages of an eating disorder. Peter Parker took her to dinner and Aunt May made tuna noodle casserole, which she used to love, and she was sad that she couldn't bring herself to eat it.

@Dikachu:disqus I used to think that was a myth.

I loved Cat People. I'm really inexperienced movie wise (but would eventually like not to be) but now that I realize this is from him too this is a promising line of inquiry.

This looks like a really cool movie that I would never have heard about otherwise. I definitely want to check it out.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Yeah. My reasons for feeling that way are a combination of these two paradoxical extremes. First, I'm incredibly narcissistic, so my base assumption is that everyone wants to sleep with me and then when someone random offers me sex it confirms this in some way and is

I love Sexy Losers. Love. I wrote the guy a fan letter once (when I was like 16 or so, I think) and he wrote me back a really humble and appreciative email. He was really interesting and talented - I think he's still doing stuff. But the whole run is still online. My favorite webcomic from that era was Exploitation

@EvelKareebel:disqus I feel exactly the same way.

I love her attitude toward stuffed animals/security blankets. That letter from the Iraq veteran whose roommate brought her her stuffed animal in the hospital after getting hurt in an explosion makes me tear up every time: http://www.slate.com/articl…

Oh, also, I do agree that the open relationship guy is not a creep (I mean, maybe he is for all we know, but from the evidence given, nothing to conclude he's a creep) and that that's the exact right time to announce your status. What would be creepy is if at the start of the date he were to announce it. There are

I actually like Dear Prudence. It might not be the most sex-positive advice but I'm glad someone is offering an opinion on that end of the spectrum. I tend to be a little more conservative on social issues (not in the "abortion" sense, in the "finding something about open relationships vaguely unappealing" sense) so I

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus That's basically the exact joke people (including me) make about Bennington all the time, unless you were making a meta-joke about how often people invoke that stereotype.
I hooked up with a guy who went there a while ago, and he's the only person I've met in this state

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus I had the exact same thought as @avclub-2ac233bc53744593f485e5752aaa692a:disqus. I have long thought about that too. If you don't mind my asking, what did you go to jail for and what did you read there? Did you get to be sent books or were you limited to what was in the

Isn't Lust/Caution NC-17? Or unrated or something? I thought the distinction was that it featured different positions besides missionary or girl on top.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Where are you from specifically? I've never met anyone my age who has an actual Boston accent, I kind of feel like it is getting phrased out generationally. I'm from the suburbs though.

@avclub-7b854e1c9778aa8ff839837766cf71d3:disqus Jesus christ, hormonal birth control seems like such a neverending nightmare of tedium, awful side effects, repeated doctor's visits, endless time spent researching different drugs and more importantly spent actually thinking about it in the first place. I cannot

Then you should definitely go to that museum. They have other awesome stuff too. I mean, I've only been to Vienna once ever, but it is pretty great. I have a beautiful Klimt 'The Kiss' tote bag and I bought a ton of Schiele postcards at their gift shop. I'm looking at the ones I have up in my room right now.