
The word "fit" is starting to sound weird and lose meaning.

Egon Schiele is my favorite painter, hands down. Very happy to see him mentioned here (just saw this). I went to the LeopoldMuseum in Vienna this summer and got Stendhal syndrome looking at their awesome collection of his work, Klimt too. It was a peak life experience.

@avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus Every time I've emailed their "contact us" about harassment they've acted really fast. I recommend that for the accounts that are for specific, personally directed harassment.

It has such an awful name (cyber sex) but actually can be really fun. I did that over gchat with the fellow alien from my home planet I met on Craigslist, before we met in person or talked on the phone even, in fact. He would tell me to do stuff and I would do the stuff and tell him about it, all in real time. It was

I like those very mild, amusingly specific ethnic jokes (e.g. Radio announcer: "It's noon in Belgrade . . . Good morning, people of Montenegro!") but I find ethnic/racial jokes where the point of the humor sort of turns on the racial premise bothersome. I've heard some pretty funny Holocaust jokes told by Israelis but

Oh I should get one of those! That is a good idea. I want to do more interesting colors too. I will NOT wear blue eyeshadow but I am definitely willing to wear more stuff beyond taupe-y neutrals and shades of pink. I have fairly neutral coloring (dark hair, gray eyes) so I should mess around with stuff.

It used to be (like, really recently, like, six months ago, and I could even be better at it now) really hard for me to turn down sex because I had this major "Nobody will ever want to have sex with me ever" complex left over from college. So it's not necessarily just guys. And by the same token girls get turned down

@avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus Oh, I think it tends to make one's eyes look smaller when you go all the way across (I have relatively big eyes, but not so much that I would actually want to achieve that effect) and more importantly it makes it more obvious that you're wearing makeup, whereas I

That's great. My experience was exactly like that of @avclub-5a36726cd1d9ea6f9e350c2e67a43f18:disqus (I saw them at the Middle East in Cambridge, but they probably do the same thing at every show). It was really awesome. Boots Riley not only shook my hand twice but hugged me, and also spelled my name correctly which

I haven't listened to it in forever for this reason. There's just no way.

@avclub-99b410aa504a6f67da128d333896ecd4:disqus Don't worry, my avatar is not me, it's Vlada Roslyakova. (Sorry to disappoint anyone. I am pretty though, I just don't look exactly like her.)

Can't she give up controlling her periods, or does she have a serious medical reason like extreme pain/symptoms for wanting something hormonal? I mean, I hate my period but I can put up with it. It sounds to me like the problem isn't actually that it's a bad method of birth control, it sounds like the problem is that

Anyone have interesting eyeshadow ideas? I love eyeshadow but I do pretty much the same thing every day. I just use the standard drugstore kind (forget which brand) with the four different colors. I mix from a couple of those, but I would like to mix it up and do more interesting stuff.

I feel the exact same way about men's opinions about makeup. It's MY face so what matters are MY aesthetic decisions about it. This is more of an issue with hair - lots of other people have opinions about my hair, but fuck them.

I sympathize. I came closer than ever before to murdering my roommate last night.

I shop pretty much exclusively at Whole Foods for a wide variety of reasons. The main one is that shopping there is really fun and I eat a lot of stuff where their store brand is the only kind I like.

Me too, I was talking about it in the pop culture weekend thread. But it also bothers me because I want to WANT to eat ice cream, but don't. My favorite thing at the ice cream place is a half coffee, half chocolate ice cream milkshake.

Happy birthday E.Buzz!!

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I don't think it's that we're sick of it (as I've said, I have an endless appetite for the minutiae of people's lives, and you're a lot more interesting than the average person), it's that it's upsetting to realize how strongly this event affects you. Like I'm a huge

Double post, it deceptively gave me an error message the first time!