
@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus If it were with a car accident, I would be saying the same thing about driving. Even just telling yourself something can be helpful, I think, because you actually reinforce neural pathways that make it easier to think certain thoughts and have certain reactions. The

I found out about a half sibling late in life and it's maybe the best thing that's ever happened to me. That said, we were all adults, we all had kind of obnoxiously happy family structures at the time, and the circumstances leading to it were undramatic (e.g. not realated to divorce or affairs). I think you're well

Do you think maybe you would feel better if you thought about ways in which this episode was not the sole cause of your depression? Because honestly, if what you went through was that bad, I cannot help but think it must not be solely caused by your experience with your ex-girlfriend and what she told you. Like

It's an excellent question and one I have thought about.
I would like to be in an exclusive relationship for the same reasons other people do: you get someone who's just for you, always on your side, belongs to you (in the romantic way, not the property way), etc. I want the whole thing. It seems like a lot of other

I am getting my own office!!!

I had that first thing. We could have talked to each other for like ten hours straight and never got bored and we spent basically 24 hours a day together too; I have possibly never been happier. I broke up because of a) sex b) I wanted to be single for the above reasons. I'm not sure that you wouldn't either - I don't

To me, the sibling thing could go along with that phenomenon of someone somewhat related to you being more attractive than a stranger. Interestingly, one of the things that apparently sometimes happens to adults who discover adult half siblings late in life is that they are attracted because of that same phenomenon,

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus In complete seriousness, when you said "If a fetus masturbates, does it make a sound" I thought that was a joke, like you were making a Savage Love analogy. Holy fucking shit.

Yes, exactly. I don't know how many times I have literally said "But I just love the thrill of the hunt so much" when describing my ambivalence toward being not-single. I also am hurtling rapidly toward being someone who has never not cheated in a relationship, which honestly sucks, I hate it, I don't want to live

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus Maybe? At this point I'd rather date someone I am crazy about than have the exact kind of sex that's my favorite. My "predilection" is definitely something that not everyone would do but I absolutely don't screen out by it or anything. That said I am quite loath to break

This reminds me of a Savage Love letter a while ago from a hot guy who was really sexually attracted to fat girls but only dated conventionally hot women so that his friends didn't make fun of him and so they could do hot-person activities together (waterskiing? Looking at themselves in the mirror? Sitting around in

Thanks guys.

How do you not get bored in a relationship? I don't know how to find some who can hold my interest for a long time. I want someone who knows what it's like to listen to the same song forty-five times in a row missing something you can't even name. Like, that I can talk to for twenty hours straight and not get bored.

Yeah, they could instead have used their time to make a Superman movie, so that studio executives who are already rich can get richer, actors who could be in better roles can be in it instead, and people who could otherwise be spending quality time with their friends and family can pay $14 to sit in the dark for two

I hate zip up sweatshirts, so I never wear hoodies. I have jackets with hoods though.

I would rather everyone keep on wearing hoodies and try hard not to think about any implications until we all get over it.

This is true, but I agree with @avclub-1a344877f11195aaf947ccfe48ee9c89:disqus - I think there is some balance between old-fashioned angel investing and "Give me money to do cool shit, and then you can enjoy the cool shit later." I really like the idea of the crowdsourced investors getting an actual proportional share

They made us do a couple days in gym class in middle school. Suburbs of Boston and this was in the late 90's. It was really hellish. We also had this thing in my town where you went to formal ballroom dancing lessons when you were 11. We all had to dress up fancy (like, actually fancy) and the girls had to wear white

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus My landlord has a Hotmail account and doesn't understand how email works, so I don't think that's happening anytime soon.

People still pay their rent with checks though, unless you live in a corporation-run apartment complex and pay online. I used checks for a long time. I'm a Luddite though. I'll probably get arrested for throwing my wooden shoes through a store selling Google Glass, or something.