
@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Southland Tales and My Summer Of Love.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus The other day I read that quotation from Billy-Bob Thornton where he said something like "Angelina Jolie might be the sexiest woman in the world, but after a while, it's like fucking the couch."

American Psycho is one of the only three movies I've ever walked out of.

I had no idea Ministry was still around.

I'm pretty surprised by this review, I thought it was a delightful movie. One of its greatest virtues is that it doesn't try to do very much. It doesn't have a big "message" or a lot of dramatic emotional moments; those that it does have are pretty understated and not at all dwelled on. And yes, it has gorgeous

I want the series to end with Bob Benson in Don's chair, Eastern Promises style.

Yeah I definitely agree with that last. My impression was that the men just didn't pick up on the fact that the women felt there was something "off" about Frances. This is a big generalization reminiscent of "Knocked Up" but to me it kind of goes along with that vague phenomenon where women in their late 20's/early

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus @avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus @avclub-774c4a3e756c4d8f28b15a27ed4408c7:disqus The column used to be called "Hey - " etc. before it was Savage Love. I think he decided to stop when he decided he had effectively reclaimed the word, or something.

I have the same feelings about Frances Ha - that it is really hard to watch Frances self-sabotage. I don't relate to her at all; I am totally different from that (though slightly younger than she is) and I found it quite frustrating. I heard a few interviews with her about it and I get the impression Gerwig herself is

Yeah - while exercise is best for overall health I think that food intake is much more significant for weight loss and it's easier to eat less when you are not working out a lot. For me, I've always thought of it as a kind of a bell curve where when I am in peak working out mode it's for like 1.5-2 hours four times a

I'm replying just to see if that is really how you spell tonguing. IT IS!

I am not a rabid Joseph Gordon-Levitt fan girl but I do really like him. I'd actually rather see him than Leo DiCaprio in something like this because he does that cocky, king of the world thing so incredibly well (see: Looper) and is also really funny and quite natural seeming in all his roles. I don't dislike

The Idiot is a great summer book. I think it takes place at just about exactly this time of year.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I actually first figured out I had become lactose intolerant because I just never, ever felt like eating or drinking dairy stuff anymore. So it's possible that if you were you wouldn't miss it.

I felt the need for some public declaration of affection after this dreamcatcher fiasco.

Ah, ok. That sucks, but at least it's not totaled. Here's hoping it doesn't too take long to fix or to deal with the insurance.

I spent a lot of the weekend catching up on newspapers. I get the newspaper delivered every day and I have been so busy I've really fallen behind. Friday night I went to an impromptu birthday/Flag Day/grilling party at the musician house and heard several renditions of Billie Jean, which I had stuck in my head for the

That really sucks, I am sorry. Is your car totaled or just temporarily undriveable?

Ojai is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I spent like two days there and saw a (hot, female) naked bicyclist, some people shooting a movie, a bunch of gorgeous local flora, and I read Anna Karenina while sitting in someone's pool. It was great.

I am sorry nobody came - I was looking forward to hearing how it had gone.