
No one else is going to point out it is not always easier cleanup?

Romanian is ostensibly the most similar to Latin of all the Romance languages, but I think it's pretty tricky.

The first thing I thought of: When I was 13, I was very interested in ideas about sexuality, the Kinsey scale, etc. I went to an arts camp and my favorite class was animation. It was the coolest class and the teacher was the coolest counselor. He showed us all kinds of awesome stuff like The Cat Came Back and various

Yes, I was doing that and it didn't work. I did it with a menu command but I wanted to do it with the mouse. Oh well.

No, I LOVE Excel, which makes me feel even worse - I feel abusive relationship-y like I love it so much but can't live up to it.

Me too. I'm really sorry.

I almost never have bad side effects when I have my period. Sometimes I get cramps on the first day but then I just have to remember to take ibuprofen. I don't notice any other physical consequences. I only get my period like every six or seven weeks though, it's really irregular so it's incredibly hard to tell

I am having such an awful day. I'm trying to do all this stuff in Excel for some data I need to send in today or tomorrow and everyone is interrupting me and I can't concentrate. I just started crying at my desk because I cannot auto-fit the width of multiple columns at once. I'm doing it the right way and it just

Here is a question. Do you think we find people of our gender attractive who look more like us? I was thinking about this yesterday while sitting through a model lecture about the psychology of attraction. I realized that I find women who slightly resemble me, or at least are the same "type" as I am more attractive.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus You have an overly idealistic view of this. I bet you you know and like (I'm not talking about like your ten immediate friends or whatever, but maybe a coworker you enjoy talking to, or your aunt or uncle or someone) at least one person who has cheated, unless you live

I am the last person to argue that we should relax moral standards in general. But I think you are being too judgmental. Realistically, a lot of people end up cheating at some point in their life, just as they end up doing other kinds of wrong things that they hopefully learn not to repeat. You probably know people

What a psycho! Well maybe you should just stop by her house, take the shorts off her, have sex while she just happens to be not wearing pants, thank her and take them back with you.

I think they're both good in different ways. I think casual sex and one night stands are really fun, but with someone you have a consistent relationship with there are a lot of different appreciable things about it. Like you can do stuff that you maybe would not want to tell a stranger about. And it is nice to meet

@Gjetostbuster:disqus I have the Whole Foods brand instant oatmeal (plain). I pour the hot water in, leave it for a while to absorb (10-35 minutes, depending on how distracted I get) then microwave it for two minutes. Then I pour a splash of milk on top and cut a banana (or strawberries) into it. It comes out fluffy

Re. being drunk and honesty, being drunk at the time absolutely counts as cheating. I don't think that being drunk makes you more honestly yourself. It makes you do or say things that you maybe often or sometimes want to do while you are sober, but refrain from doing because you normally have the restraint and

I started thinking about Halloween costumes a couple weeks ago. I always want to do something super cool but I always end up being a ballerina (I have a lot of rationales about why this is a good costume). I am always looking for ideas though.

Monday night I showed the guy I am dating part of Black Cat, White Cat on Youtube. It's on there in surprisingly good quality. We were talking about blanket forts/sitting inside boxes and I wanted to show him the walking tree part, a big theme in Kusturica, and we also recently watched Time of the Gypsies which has a

I had oatmeal with cinnamon and a sliced banana for breakfast. It was from scratch instead of instant (I love instant though), because it was leftover from yesterday when I had to bring my breakfast to a presentation day so I made it on the stove at home. I brought frozen peas and cherries for lunch. I am going to a

Today when I was filling out some paperwork, I back-dated one of the signatures to 5/1/2013.

@Nudeviking:disqus I think people mostly use "dominatrix" nowadays to mean a professional - someone who gets paid to do that kind of thing.
I also think nowadays, the dom/sub stuff is much more gender neutral and you probably even hear more about dominant guys and submissive women. I would attribute this to, as