
Has anyone had a real life encounter that resembled something from a porn movie? Even if it ended with the cable just being fixed.

@avclub-12f73080e04ce0d8e95defb577ebc3f4:disqus I've heard of multiple instances of it going the other way around, too: the person who is overseas starts emailing and chatting with old girlfriends. I'm not saying it's the same as actually sleeping with someone IRL, but being in the military doesn't necessarily confer

I would just ask her. "Hey, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to mention, I would like those gym shorts you borrowed back. I can stop by to pick them up sometime in between 6pm and 9pm tonight, or sometime later this week that is more convenient for you? Thanks!"

@avclub-21c3134ee5edcb618c4f9aae358d73a7:disqus Aha! Thanks! I really never understood what it was about before.

I really disagree about telling about cheating. To me there are three possible approaches:
1) Don't tell so you can cheat again
2) Tell to make yourself feel less guilty and so you can get forgiven
3) Don't tell and never do it again.

There was a period where I didn't post very much at all, and during that time all this current social circumstance came about, CancerAIDS went away, and Dawes came in and started fading out. I still have no fucking clue what Dawes is (I eventually concluded it's a band?) or what the significance of any associated

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus Something in real life reminded me of David Caruso the other day and I got a little sad.
I also am now thinking about Mexican Non-Union David Caruso, too. Man, those were some days.

I will also comment on glasses cleaning - I clean mine all the time so I have a very low standard for when they are dirty. I clean them with Windex and a paper towel. I learned this from a past roommate; apparently a lot of people either don't know you can clean your glasses that way or think it is weird. I cannot

I hit on one of the things that bothers me about it, which I'm not sure anyone has addressed so far (lost enthusiasm to read through all of the comments though), which is that it's not really about buying awesome stuff that you like to wear that makes you look good from thrift shops in an enthusiastic and positive

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus Yeah, not to overshare but I have collected data on this subject. I would definitely not use it for casual sex with random people. But I was really relieved to learn that is is actually effective done properly. And there are always emergency measures in case of failure

@avclub-0beb34df7e9615cd43b9090989ca4848:disqus When I have got a new prescription they have been able to put it in my same frames (or the exact same model of frames). Last time they put the new one in a slightly different frames bc the one they had was like one size larger, but I hate the new prescription because it

This is really funny, but I have a related thing that also stemmed from a movie we watched in class: in 1776, when Thomas Jefferson's wife comes to visit him and they haven't seen each other in a really long time, and John Adams is trying to do work with him and they kick him out and he's like "Good god, in the middle

I am pretty sure I would have eventually noticed him without this, but with the hottest guy I've ever been out with, I shamefully first noticed him because he came into the office without his glasses on one day. I had seen him with glasses before. After this initial sighting though I found him equally hot if not

I wore overalls through middle school into my freshman year of high school (the second look @Scrawler2:disqus describes - my favorite overalls outfit was with either a cutoff tank top or white halter top underneath and flipflops), 2001.

@avclub-63c17d596f401acb520efe4a2a7a01ee:disqus No, I do take your point about propriety specific to different situations still being communicable. I do believe that culture is becoming more casually vulgar (though yes, I'm aware that people say this throughout history). I think your views on this are probably valid.

@Patrick_Batman:disqus That sounds like a fun argument, better suited to be had while drinking than on the internet.

@avclub-d116ae13554d47530ed800aef8ed5755:disqus Hahaha, of course. Great catch.

Yes, he is an insightful person who cares a lot about film and a bunch of other stuff. I talk to him on other places on the internet. I like long comments.

@LJo1:disqus Yeah me too. I didn't see the banning post though.

The message of the song is how cool, ironic and funny Macklemore is.