
@avclub-eef29a2f76ef553bab54b6f3cdbb5fb6:disqus I really agree with all your points here. My parents went to a lot of effort to keep me from doing non age appropriate things ahead of time. A frequent refrain was that I had the entire rest of my life to be a grownup and watch PG-13 movies but only right now to be a

It's actually a lot more effective than most people think. I read a couple studies about it recently.

I think you guys sound pretty insensitive. There is no good reason to have to explain profanity to a ten or a seven year old. Sure they will have probably heard it before at school, but it's not something that you want them to think it's ok to say in public at that age. I think it is fair game to comment on the

Intent is MEANINGLESS compared to how something is actually received by people. I don't understand why people across the board of all fields continue not to realize this.

Wow, I so admire you guys' financial acumen. You're right, there is nothing affected about college kids or punks (or you) shopping at thrift shops.

I hate novelty songs in general. It's a novelty song. I also really hate that it legit has a good sound to it. Can't they, or someone, have made the same sound into a real song?

You're the only person I have ever heard in my life mention JNCOs after sixth grade (also 1998) and it still amazes me.

@eric827:disqus I have had insane, obsessive crushes on people way less attractive than I am, and with arguably lousy personalities too. It's definitely not unrealistic.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus CatelliteInternet! This is my favorite AVC portmanteau.

@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus Jesus christ, what a wack job. His neighbor must really like him. I wonder if Alexis Bledel will demand they acquire a toilet when they are married.

Why not the east coast? We have a way higher concentration of people here.

That's probably my MVP move! Not joking!

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I honestly kind of feel that way about Don, though that may be hugely narcissistic to say (but, that's one of my flaws that I think I share with him!).

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus I was seriously debating whether or not to also mention Mysterious Skin in this comment and I decided one creepiness allusion would suffice.

That's a nice story about your grandparents - I find that kind of tale of devotion particularly moving. I can imagine that those circumstances at the end of his life would have been pretty difficult for your family.

It was an homage to @avclub-21c3134ee5edcb618c4f9aae358d73a7:disqus.

I was particularly struck in this episode by how strongly Pete's mom reminds me of Trudy in her style of speaking. I mean, part of it is undoubtedly the social register and breeding, and the fact that they both call him "Peter," but I really think there is something a bit beyond that. Does anyone else feel the same

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Oh wow - I think it's absolutely the other way around.

I actually didn't think that he assumed it was an illegitimate kid - just that he didn't know how old Don's kids were. Even though Don said in the dinner "I'm glad my sons are too young" I think it would be reasonable to extrapolate that it could have been a testing-the-waters cover story. I agree that Ted was really

@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus Oh, also Pelevin, although his books are arguably just scifi.