
@Scrawler2:disqus Yes, I would be even more happy if that turned out to be the answer too, and I also like that if that's the case, we would sort of never find out because there would never be "a big reveal." I really want him to be back next year too.

I really, really liked Harlan County, USA. I don't remember feeling adrift with a lack of narration, although I knew pretty much nothing about the strike - but I always watch movies imagining that it's my fault for missing whatever might not make sense, so maybe yours is a good idea. But I liked that it was kind of

I somehow like that - I like symbolic quests. It could be construed as a kind of nod to the picaresque tradition, even though it's really in the style of a war novel and not in any other way picaresque.

I've always loved the smell of cigarettes. Even when I was a kid before I ever even thought of smoking. Weird, I know.

This is, I guess, a shameful and embarrassing confession but I am also under the vague impression that the internet is more likely to go out or not work when it is raining or damp. Like, because the humidity in the air it harder for the signal to fly around. But now it strikes me that this may be as absurd as

The ending of City of Thieves is so sad. I love books within a book and The Courtyard Hound thing really gets me. I haven't read any of Benioff's short stories (or anything else in fact) - I will put them on my list.

Is anyone else reading War and Peace? I thought it was just me. I am reading it because a) I read Anna Karenina over Christmas and liked it b) we read an excerpt of it in Russian class and I liked that c) I wanted something really good to take with me on vacation.

I had forgot about the rat problem and had no idea why she got a cat. Then I realized she got it because of the rats! I felt pretty dumb when I realized this.

I love rats, and am pretty non-squeamish, but I HATE birds and once called a (female) friend to come over and help me get rid of a bird that got into my room. If it happened again now I would absolutely run down the list of male friends who would come over in the middle of the night.

Me too!

She's pretty good looking, although even though I'm a girl I feel like a major creep thinking that. I have always loved that style of fashion though. I wish I could wear headbands and look good.

Me too. At least put something up right after the episode so we can talk about it. I will definitely read and comment on the review too, but it's really annoying to a) wait up for a couple hours, excited to talk about the episode, and go to bed tired and frustrated b) have 600 comments by the time I get to work. I

I love the Peggy and Stan interactions but I like them as friends more. I actually have a somewhat similar relationship with a friend. Being friends with a bit of sexual tension can be a lot of fun if neither of you has higher stakes than the other person.

Yes, I think Ted is just a nice guy too, although he has some failings like most people - to me he is one of the most decent (conventionally so) people on the show.

When he was out of ceereal, I was seriously imagining that the thought came into his mind that maybe Bob would come over and bring some Raisin Bran with him. There was a bit of a pause before he threw the box at the wall.

I too sort of thought he was maybe considering it extremely briefly.

Yeah, I love Pete. Sure he is very unappealing at times but really no more so than anyone else on the show. I don't quite get why people find him so loathsome either.

I did not get the cat thing at all at the time. I was like "Huh, Peggy suddenly got a cat." And then several hours later when I was flossing my teeth it hit me that she got the cat because of the rats! It's so great, because instead of the cat being a symbol of spinsterhood and pathetic conformance to her mother's

If he wrote it in five seconds, why wasn't it up sooner? Jesus christ. I really wish they would tell us exactly when it would be posted.