
Good luck. Everyone raves about those things but they are Definitely Not For Me and I love tampons. I think whoever invented the plastic applicator is an engineering genius.

I quit smoking a little while ago. I haven't gone like cold turkey or anything and I am sure I will smoke one at parties and stuff like that but to my mind (and I'm pretty honest with myself) I have quit. Yay!

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus I guess so? I saw a lot of these signs http://farm4.static.flickr…. in the national forest I was hiking around in. And then I saw the actual one which was pretty exciting. It wasn't very attractive at all - sort of like a cross between a large squirrel and a lizard.

I'm the same way. I don't mind being in a closet or elevator or under a bed or any other kind of small space. But it really freaks me out to be hemmed in by other people. When I go to the movies or in a theater I always sit on the aisle, I always try to get an aisle seat on planes, and I usually try to sit either in

Every once in a while I work myself up to the point of actual tears with the fear I will get ALS.

Puerto Rico was so fantastic! It was the absolute perfect vacation. I spent an entire day on the beach reading (and also swimming). I had one of the best meals I've ever had in my life at a restaurant called Pasta y Pueblo with only five tables that was literally next to my hotel, which was right on the La Pared

My favorite was Rostov for a while because the first part of War and Peace I ever read was the scene with Denisov and Telyanin and the purse, in Russian, in Russian class, and he comes off so nicely there. But Rostov's attitude toward Sonya is bothering me. I am at the point where he has re-fallen in love with her

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus No, and I didn't even get a picture. I tried, but it scuttled away before I could take one. It was looking at me and could tell I was looking at it too. But I didn't pursue it I had been reading warning signs about not going near them because they are carriers of rabies.

Oh, also, to clarify, I think I meant that I definitely would not do that specifically re. humiliation because for some reason that is particularly creepy/a turnoff to me. I didn't mean to sound like I was casting aspersions! There are plenty of other "weird" things that I would definitely be intrigued to participate

I don't think you're a weirdo but I definitely would not do that. (However I apaprently have an extremely low bar for "creeped out by inclusion in other party's sex life." But also, I love weird shit and would likely be similarly fascinated, up to a point.) I think that the text he sent you that he is glad he brought

I went to Puerto Rico for a long weekend and read half of War and Peace!

I'm scared of fish and puppets. I love spiders though.

That's kind of a weird scenario. The organizers shouldn't have invited a second party to participate in the shower. If they wanted a joint shower they should have planned that from the getgo with both women enthusiastic about the idea. Perfect etiquette would require you get a gift for the wife of your guy friend but

Also, I think it's just impossible you can't find another nice Jewish girl in either of the major metropolitan areas you usually live in. Your blog is super cool and I'm sure there are many local women who would think so too.

I think that questions that start with "Should I cut my losses" usually can be answered with "yes," completely regardless of the nature of the situation.

I saw a mongoose the other day.

@avclub-a70b90ac4dd557918e5a1c5cb19399ec:disqus I'd rather have less deep than more shallow.

@avclub-63c17d596f401acb520efe4a2a7a01ee:disqus Sure, technology can definitely make life better. I don't like ebooks at all personally, but I'm glad that they make other people enjoy books more if there were no other way for that to happen. (Though I cannot in full honesty say that I wouldn't wipe them off the face

This is very true, as is the fact that people have been complaining about the decline of civilization ever since civilization has existed (and arguably before, depending on your definition of civilization).

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus Oh, yeah. I don't care about porn really - I don't think porn has a specific role in this matter except in its capacity as a representation of something that is ideally an experience taking place in reality.