
It is so depressing, practically too depressing to think about. I posted a long screed about this on some article a while ago, I think about print media or something like that. You can pry physical books and other totems to human interaction out of my cold, dead hands.

I think Google Glass is the incontrovertible final sign of the decay of our civilization. I can't even read about it, I find it so depressing. I barely got through this article.

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus Yeah that's what I was thinking about! I remember reading about it in the NYT when it played in New York. At the time I was even more interested in Kissinger (I was going through a big Vietnam phase, so this must have been 2004, when I was 16) and that part loomed very

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Same - I get quite claustrophobic anyway when I am blocked in by people (weirdly, not spaces like elevators, just people) so I always sit by the aisle in any type of crowd seating even if I don't want to get up during.

My view on having to get up to go to the bathroom during a movie is that if I love the movie that much that I don't want to miss a second of it, I'll probably see it again at some point, and if I don't, who cares if I miss a minute or two.

I said this before but mine are always tailored to the audience. That means that I do sometimes see the same ones over and over again, but the only one I can remember that I saw a lot recently and therefore got sick of is Amour. I think I may be a bit spoiled as to theater quality though.

I have never seen the Lincoln trailer.

I love trailers. I go pretty exclusively to not exactly arthouse, but more independent-esque theaters, though, and I don't usually see blockbuster films. Usually almost all of the trailers make me think "I want to see this movie" and seem to be targeted to the audience of the movie I'm seeing. But I guess this is not

Edited out for personal details, but I hope marginally useful.

She sounds like me! Except I go to a lot of lengths to meet people "serendipitously." I actually lost weight this winter because I spent so much time at the gym trying to run into a particular object of attraction. I advise against doing that.

I think there is a play about a woman who is sexually obsessed with Henry Kissinger. Right?

Wow. This is such a great story. I love those creative details you put in. What an awesome Valentine's Day present.

Yeah, I'm only 25, so what do I know, but time, etc., and I still maintain that being friends sounds like it won't do any one of these parties any good at least in the short term or medium run. I think the tricky part is when there is that 1% of potential attainability. It's very hard to move on from someone or

Life can be more interesting with the illusion of mystery!

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus @avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus I posted a kind of blurry one a while ago and took it down after a couple hours with no ill effects. I also abhor being photographed. The first reason is that I photograph really, really, really badly, but also I just have

University of Chicago. It looks like this: http://www.insidehighered.c… except usually they have the lanes the short way and a diving well. The best thing is all the light from those windows. I would go at noon after my biology class ended and swim for a mile and a half three days a week.

Yall is such a useful word. Almost all other languages have a legit, not just regional, word for the plural you! I only lived in Texas for a year but have laid claim to yall even with that very small stake.

I say "Appa-LAY-chen."

I love swimming and I used to go lap swimming all the time, but I honestly stopped because of my hair, as pathetic as that sounds. Plus the pool at the gym isn't the greatest. The pool at the university I went to was like world class gorgeous so I have an unfortunately over-elevated standard of comparison.

My office is all of a sudden full of THAT SMELL. I really hope it's fish. It came on very abruptly and pervasively.