
I have no clue what my issue is. I have a relatively small frame but a nice ass; even so, the "curvy" style of pants have never really fit me either, maybe because my hips aren't particularly wide. I also don't like clothes that are different levels of tightness in different places, so pants have to be really well fit

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus - I probably find it depressing because my future career hinges upon mastering the Russian language. If it were just a hobby, it probably wouldn't be a source of anxiety and would just seem cool.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Me too! I love dancing and I'm good at it. But I only ever get to dance at weddings. Still, I am not complaining about not having enough of those to go to.

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus I am a "no problem"-er. I know that it bothers some people and that they'd prefer you say "You're welcome." But to me, "You're welcome" has taken on this lexical subtext of "Yes, it was an imposition, and I am therefore acknowledging your thanking me as something

Wow, I am exactly the same way: I go around on obsessive quests for particular items of clothing AND Ann Taylor is the only store that makes fitted pants that fit me perfectly. (I have in the past two years miraculously found a pair of khaki-ish pants at Gap and a pair of black pants at American Eagle, but they're not

Happy birthday and many happy returns! :)

Those are both so great. I love those boots - they are a great color and what a steal. (I think they look brand new!)

We always make potato salad with vinaigrette not mayo. (I like mayonnaise a lot, but not in potato salad.) Homemade vinaigrette, but the recipe is proprietary. ;)

I actually ate interesting food this weekend. I went to my parents' house on Sunday and my mom made salmon with tomato-cilantro-jalapeno salsa, with red potatoes and broccoli. I went to some friends' cookout on Memorial Day, where I ate strawberry-goat-cheese-mixed greens salad and a really delicious mixed berry

Without getting into the above discussion about sex work in general: I don't think it's clear-cut that the sex work is poisoning her sense of what she deserves from life, or that her qualms are shame-related. I've seen similar questions in advice columns before. My sense is that problems with this kind of thing

It's not more wrong than any other thing people do, but its being morally wrong isn't the problem with it. You already get to morally wrong after you make out with someone you're not married to, so you're done with that part, and that's not the question. The question is whether to keep doing this.
My honest opinion is

If anyone is so moved, please give a reasonable argument for why I shouldn't find this one of the most fucking irritating things to read ever.

Yeah, for me it started (and continued) with general under the weatherness. I hope she feels totally better soon. It's nice you stayed home to take care of her - she's a lucky woman :)

Thank you! Me too. I actually have an ENT appointment in just an hour, and I hope he will say I should get my tonsils out which I hope will fix it. I've been on four different antibiotics in the past seven months, it sucks.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus It's a likely fabricated tale about being forced to drink bleach and similar by an evil stepmother (maybe actual mother?) and miraculously persevering through these horrible ordeals in order to sell millions of books to idiots. Sorry, I have a very dim view of this book.

I used to work at a bookstore and I would totally comment on purchases. I talked quite a few people out of buying "A Child Called It" or whatever that piece of shit is called, and I commiserated with a 14-year old kid who was returning "Haunted."

I am so sorry to hear about MaNoire's medical thing. That's actually happened to me twice, in connection with my ongoing health problems, and the exact same way - I cut myself shaving and it turned into something you would expect to get while looking for a lost city in the Brazilian jungle. It is really awful; you

It's a girl, but the bear girl in Kontroll.

That's a big difference, but I thought that the biggest difference was that Frances is almost totally un-self-reflective (arguably, unselfconscious or un-self-aware). I think the similarity is that some of the setting and some of the supporting characters are quite similar, and of course trying to find your place in

Badass. I can't run at all, you are a god among women.