
I've gone through some pretty intense phases of feeling guilt and shame, especially around sex. It can be really hard to get away from at times. I think some people are more inclined to it than others - I'm definitely not Catholic, but I would imagine that that plays into it for many people.
I think trying to

Did you guys know any of the bartenders?

@avclub-72a8ab4748d4707fda159db0088d85de:disqus Oh, yeah. That's a neat little store. Sorry I missed it - I'd love to have some kind of meet up again sometime. Too bad about your lousy commute that night.

Yeah, I totally thought it was with an E, I haven't met anyone named Quinton. That is kind of a funny coincidence that you with that name ends up in that kind of job where you have a much more overt experience of the expectations people associate with your name than they might if you were in another line of work. But

Trim. It was long-medium, now it's slightly more medium-medium. I want to get it cut for real just to even it out and maybe take off like another inch but I was so fed up I couldn't take it anymore.

I know I've said this before, just as you have told this story many times, but I am so sorry you feel that way. I don't quite recall whether or not you still genuinely feel that it is your fault or not, but I hope you don't still blame yourself for it. I don't want to sound prescriptive of how other people should live

Also, I was going to tell everyone, last night I cut my own hair without looking. It came out fine.

That is exciting, and nice! Let us know next week how it went.

I'm an only child and close to my parents (metaphorically and geographically). They had me late in life and as a kid I had those stereotypical only child characteristics of being slow to warm up and totally comfortable talking to adults. I love spending time with my parents, and I think they would honestly be happy if

I cannot recommend acupuncture highly enough. I've been having some health problems lately, which it understandably hasn't really cured, but beforehand, when I was mostly suffering from headaches and sleep and digestive stuff and just feeling run down (the normal problems that go along with being a nervous kind of

Thanks guys.

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus @avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus Yeah, I feel like I would be game for a lot, I just really don't think I could do that without it killing my enthusiasm for sex in the future. Gender roles, and additionally the way they can play into a dominance/submission

Yesterday at the gym I slipped off the captain's chair thing because I was twisting around to the side to stare out the window at this super hot guy I used to sleep with, whom I sometimes run into there, leaving and getting on his bike.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I get Anne Hathaway a lot too (from other people, I've never done one of those things where you put your picture in). I also have dark hair and large features.

I am not doing much this weekend. I may or may not be scrubbing out the hot tub at my parent's house on Monday. The weekend AFTER, however, I am taking a four day weekend and going to Puerto Rico! Woo!

Go to the best bar in the United States, Jimmy's, at the corner of 55th and Woodlawn in Hyde Park.

I have my own benefits and vacation time now, effective a month ago! I also got flexible spending for health expenses, which I am really excited about, because I spend a ton of money on that kind of thing. Namely, acupuncture is an approved expense, and I go about three times a month, so that is really great.

That is the coolest. Best wishes for your nephew!

That's a fantastic coincidence. (Which store?) I wish I had actually met you there (I vaguely remember your and Kirk Cameron being there, but only vaguely) - I left early because I had strep throat and wasn't feeling well.

I know exactly what it says, but I pronounce it in my head as "Satellite Skynet Internet." I have absolutely no idea why my brain processes the end of the name before the middle. Isn't that weird? I also have some weird and wrong ways of saying other AVC handles in my head.