
It might not be exactly what I think it is, but if it is, you have one of my favorite names.

My avatar is the model Vlada Roslyakova lighting a bunch of cigarettes. I find it really cute and charming. I have never attempted to smoke this many cigarettes at once.

Really? I would NOT want to hear why someone wasn't interested in me, ever, unless it were something not intrinsic to me that I could easily change (and nothing in this category comes to the top of my mind as an example). Honestly, the reasons I haven't been interested in someone mostly boil down to "wasn't attracted

My Boden package came and I got among other things this top: http://www.bodenusa.com/en-… (the same floral pattern as is in the picture). I'm wearing it right now, with coral-red jeans that match the same red in the pattern exactly. I am so happy, especially because I didn't really have anything that went with these

I'm into plenty of weird shit, but I really do not think I could do that. It would be too much of a turn off. Now I feel guilty for being inhibited and non-GGG.

Dear Savage Dik,

Yeah, I couldn't agree with your second paragraph more - "the fact that she was his girlfriend and they had been making out was enough to be able to make an attempt at a boob touch."

Yeah, honestly, the fact that we did get The Gift means that the kind of lame finale doesn't bother me all so much. It's ok to me that it wasn't the very end. I like your point about what season 6 can say about continuing past a definitive end. That's an interesting theme we often experience in life that isn't

I know I'm alone in this, but the sixth season is probably my favorite (tied with the second, maybe). To me, it resonates because it is really about Buffy struggling with the adult world in a way previous seasons didn't highlight in the same way, e.g. the job she is forced to get, her struggles to model healthy

Wow, so sorry you were busy with your new and exciting projects that you didn't have time to give the flagship work that made you famous in the first place the sendoff it deserved. That's pretty lame.

I love the Buffy character development in season 7 and her relationship with Spike, her sister, friends and family, the principal, etc. I think all that character relationship stuff is great as usual. I do have a tendency to like the final seasons/episodes of something if only because they tend to become more "adult,"

I've said this a million times, but the Buffy summer series was what originally brought me to the AV Club. And Buffy was in fact the thing that led me to the world of talking to strangers on the internet (Parents! Don't let your kids watch Buffy!) in the first place. I used to belong to a Buffy-specific board that had

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus I get what you're saying about bar fights. I think it's a good point lots of people miss, and that people really are thinking about frat boys kind of swiping at each other ineffectually, or the caricature 1940's-y example. And when I was in college, a kid in my dorm did

Yeah, I set my hair very briefly on fire and at the same time singed half of my right eyebrow and half of my right side eyelashes lighting a cigarette in the back room of a bar in Austin. I think I had the lighter really close to my face because I was inside, or something. It was a low moment.

I really like this post and especially your last two paragraphs. I'm not familiar with the Crandall/Sewell incident; this is the first I've heard of it (I didn't even know the names of the people in that band) but as it's described - a physical fight following which both parties were arrested - it does seem quite

Yeah, I bitched endlessly about how the 60's were basically invisible in that movie (particularly in fashion), except for arguably the very first scene in the bar.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Compared to other people on here older than myself, I haven't been having sex for that long, and I'm already bored of normal sex, at least after the first couple times with a new person. But also, everyone's wired differently, and I think it's probably more about what

Sure. I was going to clarify that I was talking about hitting someone in the course of a fight, not a pattern of abuse, emotional violence and victimization, but I guess I forgot to include that. Your point about who is more likely to file a police report, or have their problem written off in the minds of others as a

Yeah, I agree. I am a huge sucker for all that kind of historical-fiction type backstory.

Why for that as opposed to any other violent criminal act?