
I know I probably don't have a good perspective on this, but I find the idea that a man hitting a woman is the worst thing he can possibly do kind of sexist and creepy. Like, if a guy smacked his wife in the face, and then later that day he beat his younger brother with a tire iron, breaking several ribs and requiring

Yeah, there is an analogous thing on Yo Is This Racist, where people send him all kinds of dumb scenarios in which you could do something that might seem racist but it totally wouldn't be, and the point is that putting so much thought into these technicalities is creepy and misses the point.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  I find it vaguely annoying when unmarried people wear non-wedding rings on their ring fingers, but I fully realize that people can wear anything they damn well please, and it's just one of those individual preference things I could probably choose not to be annoyed by.

@Gjetostbuster:disqus I really dislike them. I think they are genuinely mean spirited and in poor taste, such as not to be funny (and I do consider a lot of the ostensibly in bad taste things people say on here to be funny).

I love semicolons, but I do think they can be used to mask a place where you could be more concise and direct with two separate, clearer sentences. I think they're fine for colloquial writing; I use them a lot on the AV Club.

The variety of the human experience never ceases to amaze me. Whether or not someone is wearing a wedding ring is one of the very first things I look at when meeting someone. And yes, I know that not everyone who is married wears one, but if it's there, it's a good hint. But in my experience (from talking to other

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus I know! I'm glad it was nice in the morning for graduations, but I stayed inside to avoid all that, and then when I wanted to leave my house, it got progressively more unpleasant.

It was cold this morning, I wore pants and a sweater (I'm usually dressed insufficiently for the climate), now it's going up to 80 and super muggy. I love hot weather, but not the bait and switch!

Between that and Somerville Open Studios weekend before last I am feeling like I live in the cultural capital of the world!

Oh, I forgot to reply about my book in the book thread. I finished Harvard Square by Andre Aciman. A friend emailed me about it (she hasn't read it yet) a while ago, and then when it got such a compelling review in the NYT Book Review I was really looking forward to it. I was a little disappointed - I think it's a

I finished Harvard Square. It was a very compelling read, and reminded me of The White Castle by Orhan Pamuk. But I thought it was a flawed novel. It was really delightful to read about Cambridge in the summer in 1977 though - I love all those places he describes in it that are still there. It made me want to go hang

I knew it! I could tell before too. You should have waited longer for the reveal so I could go around feeling smug for longer.

Really? That's crazy. I guess this is part of Vonnegut's complaint, that people will romanticize anything having to do with war. (That is Vonnegut's complaint, right? Or Tim O'Brien's?)

I love City of Thieves. It has very few characters! I like your comments on nostalgia. In Mud, I liked that Michael Shannon's part was so minimal yet memorable. I think it's good to always be wanting more of something. In art, more so than in life.

@avclub-b8b0e9685190772ecdb089f0b4a0369f:disqus Yeah, those methods for either party to have sex keeping underwear on both work.

I too thought of an overshare-y counterargument - I once slept with a guy who wanted me to leave my underwear on during and it was basically the hottest thing ever.
But apart from that I guess I would prefer totally naked. I feel it's weird/awkward to be partly clad during, unless you're outside/it's really impromptu

I was in Germany for a lot of last summer and I was really excited for public nudity because I had heard that you can lie around topless in parks and stuff there. But I did not see any nor was I able to participate. I also never went to the beach, which I regret, but it wasn't all that hot after the first week I was

I thought this story was going to have a different ending.

I think there are some people who look better in a bathing suit or underwear than clothed - my guess would be that these are people who don't dress particularly well for their body types - but it's something I've noticed. And there are some people who look better naked than in underwear, because if you have a nice

@EvelKareebel:disqus @avclub-41212a9d660d861b9d5bd9c37de55961:disqus Haha thanks guys. I am happy to contribute.