
It's actually not that much like Girls (which I have only seen two episodes of, so maybe I'm wrong). Some of the supporting characters are quite Girls-like (including the Adam Driver character and his ilk) but the main thrust of the narrative is pretty different. One thing that is really different is that Frances is

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus I wouldn't necessarily say something so extreme because I don't remember the movie very clearly, but I tend to agree with you on this.

That's exactly what he said in the Skype interview after the free screening I went to, when someone asked him about why. ("Bank of America is never going to look better than in black and white.")

He was honestly just really nice-seeming on Skype (I mean, it was pretty humanizing; he was drinking a glass of red wine and at one point he called into the other room to ask Greta Gerwig what the Knicks score was, so I might like anyone in that context). More than anything else he seemed appreciably enthusiastic

Really? I really like him. I saw a free preview of Frances Ha the other week that had a Skype chat with him afterward; I really enjoyed that, the interview with them in the NYT last weekend, and this. He doesn't strike me as douchey or pretentious, just interested in making good movies. Though I didn't like Margot at

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus Eh, I met the guy I am seeing now, who is really attractive, on OK Cupid, but he's the only person I've ever met on a dating site, so that's just one data point. (He technically met me too, though, so I guess that's two.)
Actually, from this small share of experience I

@avclub-776e9111d31a090979dd9fc5f382651c:disqus Yeah what is it with gym clocks? There is invariably at least one that is wildly off.

Once in a while when I'm at work and want to reply to something but someone's near my computer screen, I'll type the comment in an Outlook draft, and then whenever I copy and paste that into a Disqus comment box it drastically fucks up the line breaks. So when I edit a post it's almost always to fix that specific

I have something vaguely relevant I could say here, but won't.

@avclub-ee86f2eb94048ec21387d5b848337fa2:disqus Eh, I see your point. I would respond in more depth because this is an interesting subject but I am brain dead at this point in the work day. Literary theory good, tree pretty.

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus Thanks - I actually came to the AV Club specifically for Buffy, way back in 2008. But at some point I became more interested in the other articles than Buffy. I also wasn't super interested in discussing the later seasons because I have very aberrant views about them -

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Yes, I always think about that too. It's very disturbing, but to me that is a little mitigated by the fact that it is in some ways associated with Buffy's agency - because she often wrestled with the weight of the responsibilities that came with her powers, and sometimes

I don't know if this is supposed to be a joke or not, but it's a reasonable argument to discuss a character's "intentions" because we're not discussing the character as a real person, we're discussing the character as part of a narrative. So we're really discussing a narrative, not a person.

@avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus That reminds me of how my best friend and I used to play Xena and Gabrielle when we were younger, and I always had to be Xena because I was taller, but I really wanted to be Gabrielle, because I'm way more of a sidekick type. (Yes, I realize what I am saying . . . go

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus Your comment reminded me, that scene at the end of Demonlover where the fantasy is about Storm from X-Men stripped of her powers and subjugated has always struck me as one of the most chilling things I've ever seen. I think the idea of taking a powerful woman and then

No, I really just wanted someone's tongue in my mouth, I guess, and pretty sure that was the only reason. I don't know, I was drunk and 19. I mean, other people probably appreciate random party making out in the context of general bacchanalia, and I think there was actually more female appreciation of this phenomenon

I don't have much of a problem with girls wanting to dress as princesses, but I think the implication is clear with that kind of wording. I think it would be better as "Dress as an animation or comic book character."

I just got an incredibly perplexing series of text messages from the guy I'm seeing. The first two referenced food poisoning and the last referenced sex. What am I to make of this?

Wow, what a jerk. That is really a face to face thing after that long. I'm sorry.