
Thanks. I hope it works out - I'm kind of worried that the waist will be too much of a waist (I really prefer dresses that don't have a defined waist). I was really on the fence about whether to do blue or pink; I really love the pink/floral but the blue is way more "me" and fits in with the rest of my style.

@Scrawler2:disqus Oh yeah, I have crackers and cheese sometimes too. Always the same kind, stoned wheat thins and part-skim mozzarella (boring boring but I love it). Actually I came home last night to find my almost-full box of crackers had vanished (!) and was very upset because they constitute such an important part

I am too, but am on it anyway. My desk is literally (seriously, not exaggerating) three inches thick in paper. Almost all of it is reimbursement forms I have to process that take forever because students do the math wrong, and I get interrupted too many times in the day to focus on anything that requires sustained

I like the purple top and the black lacy one a lot. And the dress! The dress is great.
Those foreign websites are cool too, I should make a note. I so much wish I had bought pants when I was in Eastern Europe this summer. I have such a hard time finding pants that fit me, and the women there look so much more like me

I got a fantastic deal at Boden (I had a gift card too) and am anxiously awaiting my shipment to arrive. The thing I am the most excited about is this dress: http://www.bodenusa.com/en-… (in the blue). I also got a sweater, two bathing suits, a top, AND they sent me a free gift of a small oilcloth pocketbook which I

Back when I was a really regular, multiple cigarettes a day smoker, whenever I'd take a break I would be amazed by how, just like clockwork, a couple days later all the tar and stuff would start coming out of my nose.

I decided to for real try to quit smoking. I increasingly frequently feel gross, not better after smoking them. I also am out of breath all the time even though I'm in really good shape. The last cigarette I had was on Friday (I think).

I had Prosecco poured over frozen berries for dinner last night. (Also a piece of cinnamon raisin toast.) It was delicious.

I sort of vaguely enjoy cooking when I do do it, and I enjoy being able to prepare something exactly how I want it, but there are so many things I enjoy spending my time on more - it's more a hierarchy of preferences thing than that I hate cooking intrinsically. I eat almost exclusively frozen vegetables, rice,

Wow, lots of detail (and agreed, hot, and I too can confirm your point #5). Honestly . . . I don't think the problem is that he needs to improve performance. My impression is that he's good at it; he's pretty much the only person I've been with where I actually considered whatever he was doing to have a positive

It is more than a couple enjoying holding hands in public. That's affectionate but not sexual; this is sexual. And they ARE making a spectacle of it; the letter writer is noticing, and presumably the reason to do it in public is so that other people notice. Even if the point isn't that other people notice and the

Are you not supposed to take porn through customs? If not why? If I bought porn and transported it through customs, I don't think it would even register to me that I was doing so.

@theLadyfingers:disqus Huh, weird. I don't always jump up and do it religiously immediately afterwards, but I do try to. I thought everyone did. I'm one of those people who that kind of category of minor health mishaps tend to happen to, but have remarkably never had a UTI (I keep incredibly well hydrated in general,

I wish Dan had commented on how shitty it is to drag other people into your sex life by doing roleplay things like this in public for other people to see. (Re. the last letter.) It's really gross and it makes you a non-consenting party in someone else's sex life.

I really disagree that he should roll it out with all this drama involving "guilt and blame." He should just start telling her what he'd like her to do differently. It's not that he needs to fall all over himself to "gently encourage her"; it's just not necessary to present it as A Thing, especially using words like

@Dikachu:disqus I laughed out loud at that and now feel like a bad person.

Precisely. It's the same with the advice to "Missing My Kinks." It's the spirit of/concept behind the advice that is reasonable and intended, not the literal script.

I'm sorry about your experience with that.

I don't know if you feel like doing this but you could get an email address we could write to anonymously. But maybe you don't want to get "real" questions; people posting mostly half-serious shit here in the comments is fun enough. It definitely does not come off as attention whoring or whatever, as far as I'm

I have made out with girls for fun. It was when I was younger, mostly in college, and I almost certainly wouldn't do it now, but I also probably wouldn't make out with anyone for fun now (in this era, I made out with guys for fun too, at parties. That is, not in the context of being more attracted to them than to any