
I think this varies wildly both per culture and individual preference. I cannot bear to wear shoes inside (especially closed toed shoes, which I hate in general) so I always take them off the second I get home, either downstairs or outside my bedroom door. Some people actually put on shoes when they get up in the

Yeah, I read it on NPR so I didn't think I had to fact check or anything. I actually wouldn't have posted it here if I knew it was such a viral thing - sorry to post something that probably now seems a bit insipid due to sheer repetition. I just saw it for the first time on the WBUR site yesterday morning, so I didn't

It's interesting, but I feel like anything with a tune would sound equally interesting with this effect? I've never heard the original song so who knows.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus That's who I was speculating based on where she grew up! My college roommate dated her little brother in high school. She met her once while she was wearing jeans, sweatshirt and no makeup and said she was still the most gorgeous woman she'd ever seen.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Eh, that makes sense. I sympathize; it drives me crazy in Mad Men that Sally has brown eyes but Don and Betty both have blue eyes. I know this is technically possible but my understanding is that it's super uncommon.

Maybe he meant "many"?

Me either. I would kill for an office door. I have so much work to do I want to fucking die. I have constant interruptions from all and sundry who walk by asking me to do things.

For what it's worth, there are some people this is true for in real life, though I'm not sure about those who are that light blondes. I knew a girl who had the most flaming red hair you could possibly imagine (naturally) and black eyebrows. I don't know, don't you already have to suspend your disbelief to imagine

I really like the quotation that has been going around after the Boston Marathon bombing, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news,
my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find
people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of disaster,
I remember my mother’s

That sounds like a mistake rather than a deliberate adherence to a "style guide." During pledge drives, there is more mumbling/verbal slips/mal-constructed sentences/repeating oneself than you typically hear on NPR because it's mostly ad libbed.

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus Oh yeah, I 100% agree with everything in your response to me about values of relationship sex. All of that is great and the reason that sex is generally better the longer you know the person, more effectively you talk about what you like and don't like, the more practice

Is this based on the New Yorker article? Cool.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus OK, I can certainly appreciate that my experience isn't the same as everyone else's, but neither is yours; I'm obviously hugely biased, but yours sounds a little more exceptional than mine does to me? I am sorry it was such a bad experience, but it sounds like part of

@avclub-b6295f9a8b2d34f30d97c042a431dd6e:disqus I met a fellow alien from my home planet.

I actually disagree that feeling like you should have lost it already is a bad reason for having sex. As long as you're an adult and reasonably mature, I think any reason for having sex is equally valid. It was my reason too and I think it was a great reason.
While I can appreciate that for some people this may not

Clarification that it's not my ideal frequency of sex, just when I start getting objectively weird and desperate. Though I did say on the TI that I am already bored of not having to work for sex, so my ideal frequency may actually not be as frequent as I originally thought . . .

I hate to play into an overused and frequently misapplied theory, but I think of all the things with a dubiously plausible evolutionary explanation, the unique strength of the drive to seek out sex (for most people) might actually have an evolutionary explanation.

It is almost all spam, or really vulgar beyond what is appealing. But actually one of the most amazing things that's ever happened to me came from the casual encounters (it wasn't really a casual encounter per se though).

I was exactly the same (lo these many, many years ago when I was in college). I don't have any useful advice! Finding sex is like riding a bike; it's really a trick that you just suddenly are able to do after not being sure if you are even trying the right way, but after you figure out how to do it, you always know

I have never been able to bring myself to have sex to that album, which I love. It's TOO MUCH. It'd be like eating ice cream at the same time you were eating ice cream.