
I agree that sex is not the only awesome thing people can do, but to me it is a really, really, really fundamental part of the human experience. Like, I feel the opposite way toward your visiting another country example. I can't think of much I'd feel sorrier for someone to never have done (assuming he or she wanted

Yeah, I think it's episodic by nature. So are, actually, basically all of Dostoevsky's novels that I've read, come to think of it. Maybe not Notes From Underground?

That's my favorite novel, ever. I feel like it changed my life. I will say that it starts out a little slow - I find this generally true of Dostoevsky novels - but is so so worth it after the first book or so. (Are you listening to it or reading it in paper?) If it's not too egregious I would really recommend

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus One of my professors didn't like their translation of Dr. Zhivago, but we read Pevear/Volokhonsky translations in another class with the same guy.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I guess opinions vary, but I think there is basically no point in reading Dostoevsky (or anything for which a Pevear/Volokhonsky translation exists) in any other translation.

@avclub-a14343d7aea171bddd5aa6b80e500fd3:disqus I hated Prozac. It slowed down my metabolism, gave me bizarre dreams, just generally made me feel weird and impaired sexual function.

I take that too. It was really, really speedy for the first few months, then that wore off; I tried the extended release dose but that didn't work very well, so I took two pills (300mg) for a bit. I'd take them both at once and that brought the effect back for quite a while.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Thanks!

I'm getting very slightly bored after close to two months of seeing the same person. Don't get me wrong, I am still pleased about the situation, but sex is less fun when you don't have to work for it. At least, that's the point in my life I'm still at.

@avclub-12f73080e04ce0d8e95defb577ebc3f4:disqus I've had that problem too!

Haha, quite the Freudian slip. I hope I managed to write "someone" in my profile itself.

I had great success not including a picture and having my profile solely consist of a list of things I'm looking for in something to date. I also said that I was good at dancing at weddings and spend a lot of time thinking about crossword puzzles and cigarettes. Feel free to use any of that.

Do you think she meant that she is away recruiting for jobs, and doesn't know when she is going to be back in your city of residence? That's how I read it based on what you said.

Yeah, my job is relatively stressful (not compared to what some of you guys do, I know - it's an office job) - but these things started before that, and I'm in really good health otherwise; I eat pretty well, take several reasonable kinds of vitamins, work out a lot, drink a ton of water, and get sufficient sleep. I

Oh, yeah, I agree. I still do wish I'd said that I think violent acts and terrorism dishonor Islam and are as contrary to its true spirit as they would and are to any other legitimate religion, because that's something I feel strongly about. But yeah, I thought it was nice he wanted to read the Koran. I haven't read

Oh my god. I'm impressed you stuck with it that long, though of course, after letting him into your office to use your phone, it was probably psychologically difficult to identify the point to kick him out. You deserve a medal or something. Moreover so does whoever cleans your office.

I have the same damn problem. Unfortunately it is kind of in my job description that I am the recipient of all and sundry questions and miscellaneous tasks.

I actually once finagled a double supply of it, so I used to offer it to people at random, but I finally had to get a new prescription and that ended. Sigh.

Decided to remove my wall of text about my stupid health problems. If I learn anything dramatic after going to the doctor, I'll let you guys know.

YES! Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is the most perfect prescription drug. It's an upper, so it makes you slightly speedy and you lose your appetite (when I first started taking it, this was actually kind of a downside because it had such a strong effect that I stopped enjoying food for quite a long time), and you clean a