
For some reason the majority of people I date have been pot enthusiasts. I also have zero interest in it, and in fact a negative attitude toward it; all the times I've smoked up (except the first two), I either get way too high and flip out, or throw up.

This morning I was walking out the door on my way to work when my downstairs neighbor, whom I almost never see or interact with, asked me if it was ok that he was parking an extra car in the driveway (answer: yes, my one roommate who owns a car just moved to New York). Then he told me he has been wanting to buy an

@Dikachu:disqus Three of the people I've slept with recently have proposed it. These are also the only people I've slept with enough times to propose a variety of activities beyond drunken banging, so I was kind of extrapolating that the others just never got around to suggesting it. I don't know, I just feel get the

Mine had a part I and part II (technical difficulty) and I revealed for part I but not part II. Part II was a fairly unpleasant experience, by the time it ended I was sober enough that I no longer wanted to spend any time around this guy and so I talked about the Holocaust until he left.

It kind of frustrates me that this has now become such a standard practice
and that you're now not cool if you don't want to do any anal stuff
whatsoever. It's not like I'm a missionary or something; it's just really
Not My Thing. My standard line is that I'm saving it for marriage, which
I will stand by when/if I get

For what it's worth, the person with whom I've had what is by far the best and most "varsity level" sex actually lost his virginity even older than I was, and has had sex with fewer people. I was really surprised by this.

You adhered to the Antioch Rules!

I cannot believe that someone would ask if you want to try dry humping. I feel like there are many sexual activities that you can propose before they happen, but some that should exclusively just happen. Actually, right now this is the only one that I can think of that falls into the latter category. Any other

I feel the same way, but I would imagine it would be pretty different if I were married. Then again, I've never been married so I don't really know. I start getting really weird and reading Casual Encounters obsessively after six to eight weeks with no sex.

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus No, you seem like a thoughtful person with good intentions, but I just really disagree with the idea that certain profanity carries sexist implications.

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus That's seriously pretty weird. I also truly fail to see what being female, or supporting animal rights, has anything whatsoever to do with why you disagreed with my comment.

I agree that folklore can be so much more interesting than that which is traditionally adapted or otherwise brought into popular culture. There are a lot - I mean, a LOT - of folktales that don't have those themes or morals, or have really inscrutable morals. There are a lot particularly in Eastern European culture

I think there are studies that show that the genetic relation, without the aversion created by being raised together, makes attraction more likely. They have a rat study where rats are less attracted to their sister than to an unrelated female, but more attracted to their cousin than an unrelated female. Yes, people

I find her incredibly beautiful. That scene in Royal Tenenbaums (which, ok, was a while ago at this point) with her in the bathroom in that nude slip is one of the most aesthetic images I've ever seen on a screen. Also I really, really want that slip. But yeah, I think she's very, very pretty.

That's fucking awesome.

Apparently the glass sex toys are most desirable because they are really good and durable, safe, easy to clean etc.

I love the AV Club so much.

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus Wow, it must be so hard for you to read this website.

Now I'm feeling ashamed of myself for how fast I clicked on this link.

@avclub-7164d950e4ef1e652b22fa3e192d1f3f:disqus I actually do know one of those people! He bought an apartment in SF. I actually had a huge crush on this guy in college, since realizing he's pretty lame. He's the guy who ignored me to play WoW when I made a play for him, scantily clad in sleepwear, on the last night