
Yeah, he wasn't disgusted by it at all, he was flirting with the female neighbors by talking about its sexual content.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Pregnancy tests are crazy expensive, so is plan B, but both are less expensive than a kid. I think when I lived in Texas you could get a box of 2 HEB brand tests for $9.99 or something like that. In any case it was way cheaper (maybe even less than that) than any of the

Interesting comment. I don't agree with your views on jealousy. You say that "I believe many swingers have repressed their jealous
impulse rather than outgrown them. Not functional, not emotionally
responsible" but I would argue that they don't feel jealousy, or feel it strongly enough, in the first place. Aren't

The funny thing is that taken like that, the idea is a cold and calculating, Harry Crane-like eye to profiting on a national tragedy, yet it is incongruously conveyed in the most hippy-dippy way imaginable.

Yeah, that was wrong; he didn't go back to sleep, it was an expression of an emotional reaction.

I bitched on Facebook when Sandy Hook took Wait Wait Don't Tell Me off the air on Saturday. It didn't bother me with the Boston thing but that's because it was local and there was still breaking news coverage.

@avclub-ee712b54ff92d404ff6cd6c8f6e41324:disqus I'm not making up that she said things like that, I said she was the type to. I'm hoping some other women agree with me. Because she totally is. What, do you think she stole my boyfriend or something? I just think she's a bitch.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Me too. For whatever reason Megan has become the "hero" of the show to me. I've always loved her. I definitely identify with her the most (except for Don, when he's not being mean to her).

I think that the main point of his character was probably that he's in the vanguard of weird sixties people who came to have an influence in mainstream culture. But to your question, I thought that the "idea" behind the ad was the latter point, that everything is going to hell so you would be well advised to buy

It's like how there are so many huge nerds in the BDSM scene. The best explanation I heard was that it is because of the complicated rules, imaginative/role playing element etc. which are common to both subcultures.

My impression is that the English department is often where people who are interested in literary theory or comp lit in general may go, so I can see being a world literature specialist yet within English if that's your bag.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Like everyone I know who lives in the Bay Area lives in Oakland by now.

Yes! I couldn't stop looking at it. So cute. She should have it like that all the time. But I realize that she may want to look older at work.

You guys are seriously seriously overthinking this.

@avclub-723c7ca41a74ee7ee5d26e39d12235be:disqus Really? I found Midge really unpleasant, not just when she was a thieving junkie but also in the first season. She's exactly the kind of woman who goes around saying she has no female friends, really prefers men, other women are all bitches. I found her really

I think they're still playing Argo at my local theater. OK maybe not now but they seriously played it for like six months.

While I agree that that was her main motivation, intent is kind of meaningless in comparison to perception. Because we're discussing Joan's psyche in the context of a work of fiction here, it may be an appropriate distinction, but if we were talking about someone's behavior in the real world, I think it would be kind

I couldn't hear it at all. The only thing I could hear was the immediate chaos and then Abe yelling "Who said that?" I had no clue what had happened.

Jesus christ.

Ginsberg is not screwed up! He doesn't have any kind of social disorder. He just has a somewhat unique personality. He doesn't have "inertia"; he can't afford to move out, and I doubt his father could afford to live on his own either. That's not strange nor does it reflect a resistance to change. The idea that he is