
Wellbutrin makes it better in my experience (like, up from baseline, not just "yay, this isn't as terrible as other drugs"). Have heard the same from others as well.

I am so glad to hear that! I am genuinely amazed by the transformation. I mean, apologies for sounding gross but I used to sweat a lot. Like I wouldn't even have worn the white t-shirt I am wearing, and once I would start sweating at the beginning of the day, it would basically not stop, so I would have to take my

I am looking forward to seeing this movie. I don't care if it's great as a film, I just want it to have a good soundtrack, that sort of hedonic fin-de-siècle vibe, and I want to look at Emma Watson dressed in pretty clothes.

The thing with Wellbutrin is that it makes you functional and sober-seeming for longer than you would be otherwise, and then all of a sudden being 100% drunk hits you like a ton of bricks. It's actually kind of bad because it can make you seem sober when you're not and then other people treat you accordingly. I can't

These are all fantastic stories.

Oh yeah! I don't remember why though. Did we go to the same school?

I wore my new eBay skirt for the first time. I loooove it. It's from Ann Taylor Loft and is a wrap skirt. I rode my bike to work today (I am bringing it to Russian class for show and tell) and I discovered wrap skirts are actually good for bike riding because they separate to cover your legs, not just hang open in the

I'm getting a $0.25 raise. WOO!!!!

I got that email, but my Disqus account and AV Club account (I think) are separate. I'm pretty sure I registered for Disqus for some other reason somewhere.

@avclub-39dd889e0ab668280dbd73c93917e652:disqus I think the nice thing about the AV Club is that we do get into those things, but not all the time. If it were just a free-for-all, it would become like Reddit. Like all pleasure principles, I think the discussions of these other subjects are more interesting because

@Dikachu:disqus But what kid is expressly allowed to have sex in the house? (I mean, I guess some kids are, but my general impression is that it's the minority of parents who say or convey that "It's ok if you have sex in the house.") It's true that with this being the case, not coming out would have a sexual

@unicyclistperiscopes:disqus I actually feel the opposite way; I think that paying it manually makes me more conscious of how much money I am laying out and therefore conscious of my finances in general. The couple things I have set to pay automatically (Netflix, NYT) I can tell I mentally discount. But, I am

I used to have this insane crush on a half-Greek half-Persian guy who lived in my dorm. It was my first major attraction as an adult so I think that after that I've imprinted on body hair as a key element of male attractiveness.

I have a thing about direct debits, so I never do that, but they just offered me a slightly lower interest rate to sign up for direct so I might finally go for it.

Oh! I get it. I really thought that he was being paid to have sex with his own wife. That was very confusing (and seemingly, non-interesting). It makes much more sense now.

Here's my potential non-problem: I went to pay my student loans, which are due on the 27th of the month, except it says the next due date is May 27 and that $0.00 is due then. I paid March a few days late and they do this really irritating thing which is that if you pay past the due date, you absolutely have to pay

I feel the same way. I really want kids but I literally start crying upon reading any description of childbirth, I find it so upsetting. Sadly, I am very heterosexual.

Ha! I am glad my reasoning was sound. I just googled and there actually are some songs with my name in them, surprisingly by cool bands too, surprisingly. Never a keychain or fake license plate, though. Sigh.

There has to be a Ghostface song with "Erica" in it somewhere. But I just looked it up and there are a bunch of Erica songs. I've never heard of those bands (not to be dismissive; I just happen not to have). I still maintain Sandra is more obscure!

At least that way you know she's not pregnant.