
I liked the interview too, it was interesting to read.

They play it in NPR pledge drives. It always makes me smile.

I'm going to guess Sandra. It seems like the most obscure name in the song. It's also the only one I remembered off the top of my head, probably because of that. I'm pretty sure my name never has been and never will be in any song. Then again, I'm pretty sure Ghostface has mentioned pretty much every imaginable female

@paraclete_pizza:disqus That reminds me of this quotation from somewhere - I really wish I could remember where, and the exact quotation (I feel like it was an NYT op-ed, but no real idea), of someone saying that he's black in America, white in Brazil, mixed-race in the Caribbean, etc. etc. I probably have that

@avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31:disqus I really see your point that the behavior of reddit in this circumstance was not good and that it should have been censured and shut down. However, I really still think it's solely the responsibility of journalistic entities for disseminating this misinformation (whether

@avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31:disqus OK, I do think we can criticize Reddit for being an unruly rabble (and many do!), but I don't think we can blame *Reddit* for the fact that credentialed journalism sources reported on what Reddit users were saying as if it were a vetted source of information (I don't

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus Thanks and glad you agree. I'm a Luddite too. I actually subscribe to and read the whole paper more or less cover to cover (at least some of almost every article) most every day. I don't read news online because I can't focus on it and I will never, not ever own an iPad

@avclub-74d8f6fc6822b5638a4db5594dfb21f3:disqus I don't. I'll be totally honest, I've said in the past that the reason it seems like NPR has a liberal bias is because it is run by smart people and the majority of smart people are liberal, but I realize that this is an idiotic thing to say, and I would never use it in

It's your browser.

Honestly, I think this is a much more subtle point than would even register to anyone who would be confused about the two.

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus To me this is part of a larger issue in general with the culture, which depresses me every single day. Everything has become soundbites, viral videos, twitter posts, reposted articles, facebook announcements, and text messages. Our attention span gets shorter and

Which documentaries? I'm interested to see those.

@avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31:disqus Why would we blame reddit for spotty journalism?! reddit is not a source or provider of journalism!

I have a tendency to be very critical of what I would see as hysteria and overreaction, but it really doesn't strike me that this is what happened in Boston. Like @avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus, I'm here in Boston and the response seemed appropriate and not overkill or dramatics. I actually don't

I personally think NPR is an awesome news source. I've rarely heard any misinformation on it, and they always specify very clearly what they know and what's unconfirmed. I can't stand to watch TV news, I find it jumpy and annoying. I listened to it basically all day on Friday (WBUR in Boston) and didn't hear one

Yes, great point. To me the invocation of the "USA" etc. is just another example of the racist othering of the suspects. I'm so glad that he is not being tried as an enemy combatant.

@Scrawler2:disqus I would do a lot to watch him and Alyson Hannigan have sex. I know I've said this before.

I think some (probably most) people are the cheating type and some just aren't. To me the reason for not cheating would be the same as @avclub-1bcaea6d00884aeafe0c076bd322f825:disqus's. I don't think the thought of having it turned back on me would be a motivation not to cheat. It would be a motivation to cheat in the

I feel the same way. Evolutionary psychology (which my mom studies, in its real form) is super in these days but it's extremely difficult in almost every case to actually prove the evolutionary origin of a behavior. So much of it is just speculation.

As stated recently, I pride myself on being near impossible to offend, but I find this poem not just bad but genuinely offensive. I can't believe a human being can put iPhone battery and spring rolls in the same train of thought as a terrorism suspect lying dying in a boat during a manhunt having shot himself in the