
Tennis is (to me) the most fun sport and the only one I actually kind of play. I think it's perfect because it has everything - endurance, muscular strength, cardio workout, running, hand-eye coordination, strategy. But probably everyone feels that way about their favorite sport.

@barry_convex:disqus I found that a little hackneyed at the time (the way her father said she was giving up her dream, but none of us had any idea what this dream was), but since that time, I think that Megan's actions have successfully convinced me that she is really determined about acting. But I agree that she

I had a pretty great weekend; the surprise day off was very welcome. I spent almost all Friday listening to/watching the news, but it was in the 70's so I actually went out and went bike riding in the middle of the day which was really nice. We explored the borders of the lock-down area and then went in the opposite

I fucking loved Attack the Block. It was the best movie of 2011 to me. It got basically zero mainstream attention, and very little even on the AVC as well, so I have a hard time seeing it as overhyped. Where did you guys see it so hyped? Still, to each his or her own.

I had mis-heard it that way too. Oh well.

I find Sylvia really unappealing. I think she's bored and has created this dramatic love affair idea basically out of whole cloth. It's very affected and contrived - giving him a book to read, being nervous in the restaurant, saying it won't be so "French" if they fall in love and involve real feelings, etc. I don't

I think he did know Megan was independent minded - he was initially interested by her when she said that she'd someday like to do what he, or Peggy did.

I would have done a lot to see Dr. Rosen walk in on them in that moment.

Yes, I was glad Megan defended herself like that.
Also, Don has said, in the past, that he'd sleep with a client in order to get or keep an account, so it's not like he has much ground to stand on in terms of prostituting yourself for your job.

Joan may have got her partnership in a sleazy way, but it wasn't her sleaze - it was Pete's and Roger's and moreover Jaguar Herb's (and Bert's, I guess).

I initially wondered if it were her, too, then realized it wasn't - but I think that given that she is only the second personal friend we have ever seen with Joan, I think maybe we were supposed to draw the connection - esp. with them in bed together (as tired as I realize homoerotic subtext is as a film trope).

Oh you answered my question from the first page. (I was near positive that Kate said that it was a place for men who were looking for a certain type, not for a particular type of man, but haven't rewatched yet.) That makes sense.

This is a good point about Stan, but I might just be clinging to it because I'm so sad at the idea of them not being friends anymore. Sigh.

@avclub-9a86162d4bf754718eec43bd2efbbcd4:disqus To be fair, St. Mark's is a pretty well known street and famous in the history of counterculture.

When Kate said that she heard that men who go there are looking for "a certain type," what did she mean? (I could be wrong, but I think that's what she said, rather than a certain type of man) It seemed to me like it had some specific connotation but I didn't really get it. At first I thought it could be a gay thing,

Ha! She looks exactly how I would picture, even though I hadn't really thought about it.. I think it's funny how we all also know the names of the behind the scenes people given that we hear them every single week.

@eric827:disqus I was agreeing with the points @avclub-96f15daceb6669363fbf7f762ed57703:disqus made about sentiments that are annoying in general, and not speaking about the video at all.

@avclub-cd3695fb409b3ce6dc60ca44b08983ac:disqus The liquor stores were open all day! We went on a bike ride today and everything was kind of gradually opening up - when we left it was just the liquor store, two or three bars, McD's and Dunkin Donuts but then everything was open again by like 2ish. Liquor store was

Why would you not search a boat under which someone could be hiding? I don't really get it. Regardless of whether it was "outside the perimeter," they could presumably, like, see the boat.

I came here to post that!!