
I agree with your speculation; that's what I'd speculate as well. From the more recent news and interviews, my impression is that his motivation in this has been very strongly influenced by his brother. From what people have said of his brother, he seems much more likely to be the originator of extremist beliefs (not

@Scrawler2:disqus I really love this story.

There is still all this shouting nearby (this happens sometimes, but there's a lot tonight) and it's making me very nervous. I don't think the police came or anything, which is OK I guess, because there's been no more white power shouting and I didn't want to talk to police. Definitely time for a cigarette.

I just heard some people screaming white power slogans on the street so I called the police and reported it. Now I feel like that was a bit paranoid, which I tried to avoid. Overreaction, or not? This climate is making me jumpy!

Right on, would like again.

I actually mostly agree with @avclub-eb061e1b51370c6de4b4968e26b4f286:disqus, but I especially agree with this post. I think that when people constantly talk about the event, how upsetting and traumatic it is etc., it is (we can hope, subconsciously) really to call attention to oneself, as summed up nicely by 'I feel

Me too - 18th birthday! It's Michael Jackson's birthday too.

On a serious note, the Chechen struggle for independence is one of the themes we've been studying in Russian this term. Their uncle who we just heard proclaimed it had nothing to do with the Chechen struggle for independence. It's also interesting that apparently Dzhohar called himself Russian (as opposed to Turkish)

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Yeah, I was woken up by sirens multiple times, then woken up by the university emergency text alert saying that there had been events at MIT, then woken up by their phone call alert at like 6 saying MBTA was shut down and everything locked down, so I've up been listening

This is insane! I just heard on the radio that Somerville (which is more or less where I live, if not technically) is locked down too. I was about to head out on my bike and now I feel like maybe I shouldn't.

Mine is Beauty and the Beast, when I would have been 4, around Christmastime. The weird thing is that all my life, I've remembered it as having been a theatrical rerelease. But looking it up, it actually just came out in 1991. I think, having seen other Disney films on video, I somehow intuited that they made movies a

Thank you, that is really thoughtful. Everyone I know is fine fortunately. Some people on the marathon team of the university I work at were pretty close to the finish line, but I don't know anyone who was hurt. I'm glad that the emergency response and investigation seem to be going as well as can be reasonably

Like others, I am genuinely saddened to hear about the suffering of those who have been injured or had loved ones injured in this bombing, the same way I feel about all other violent acts worldwide that I hear about.
I'm in Boston too, but my general opinion is that there isn't a subject that humor can't be applied to,

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus That's awesome. I remember him being on, but not that specifically. I'll have to check it out.

We don't have that! I really like the more obscure programs though.

@Scrawler2:disqus How do you live without a radio in your house?! The mind boggles. That said I follow the opposite extreme where I have the radio on practically every moment I'm in my room, which might be a little weird too.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus My two favorite Not My Jobs are the one where they had Sir Mix-a-Lot, and a recent one with Guy Kawasaki, who was genuinely hilarious. I really like it when the guest is surprisingly funny as well. I think a lot of these famous people are actually pretty funny but don't

Really? I like Bluff the Listener, to me it's the defining segment of Wait Wait. The one I think they could do away with is the limerick. It's painfully easy, so it's not even a game, just a charade (much like the Weekend Edition Puzzler, which I hate). But then they had that one moron on a while ago who did not get a

I too hope it was a pun. I remember the Newswire making fun of New Yorker cartoons and then everyone was like "No, we like those."

I am a huge Wait Wait Don't Tell Me fan. I listen to it religiously every week at 10 am on Saturday while half-doing the Friday crossword puzzle. I have a whole ritual of the radio programs I listen to on Saturday (and I often plan to stay in Saturday nights to listen to my Saturday night programs - I do the Saturday