

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Shit, I kind of pride myself on being impossible to offend and I could not bring myself to watch that.

I have a weird affection for the middle of the country. I find it exotic being a coast dweller. I drove from Austin to Kansas City and enjoyed it a lot - I like seeing other parts of the country. Driving through Oklahoma, we also saw one of those amazing bird formations like in Take Shelter where they form this kind

I have the exact same problem. I cannot stand it any longer. I'm getting to the point (I frequently reach this point and then it somehow ameliorates, only to build up again) where I am legitimately worried I will snap and say "Stop talking to me." I sit at the reception desk of the office so everyone, EVERYONE, passes

I'll be a bored convenience store clerk, you'll be a high school freshman trying to convince me to sell you cigarettes.

@olivececile:disqus I don't think it's the validation that is rewarding - I think it's really the thing in itself. Engaging in the thing I like with someone who shared the exact same thing down to precise specificity was probably the peak sexual experience of my life to date (and I fear, ever!). Even just talking

I get most notifications when someone in-line replies to me, but I stopped getting notifications when someone tags me a while ago. On some threads where there are more than a few comments, I don't get notifications even for in-line replies. It sucks!

Wow. That seems almost worth a second date just for the story. I'm envisioning a "You mean, she's interested in him." type scenario. I would love to hear more details of her Manson interest, having read Helter Skelter straight through twice in a row.

So, I actually did kind of start seeing someone about a month ago, which I realize invalidates my testimony and I should just shut up, but I feel like this too all the time (especially re. @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus's post). I supposedly like being single, and for the first almost year of my being

The morality of downloading movies off the internet aside (UGH), the drive was purchased as is (with the data on it) for $100 so for practical purposes, the material value of the drive can be considered to be $100.

Me too. One of my busiest days due to committee meeting, big event on Friday etc. and I also have had a record high of interruptions, my most loathed work occurrence. I shouldn't even be writing this comment right now!

What's your experience with POF? I was signed up for it very briefly (I know it doesn't have a good reputation for finding normal people; I was looking for freaks) and found it totally horrible. It has a user interface out of the 90's. I was really peeved I had to wait 24 hours to delete my account.

My good news is I won an award at work. I am so honored and really excited about it. I won the graduate student council at my university's service award for advancing their work and enhancing the experience of graduate education here. I really love working with them and I find the work I do here incredibly meaningful

Good luck!

@Groofus:disqus Yes! I came across this article a while ago: http://www.nytimes.com/2012… which mentions that very thing (reading the dictionary for related words, which I did too). Spanking isn't my thing, but I really really related to the article.

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus I like this answer a lot (and @avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus's too). That makes the best sense.

@Groofus:disqus Same and a lot of people with the same thing I have had exactly the same experience - being unusually interested in it as long as you can remember, before you had even any idea it was sexual in nature or even knew what sex was. (Although interestingly I could always tell it was something to be kind of

8. Bobbie

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I did too, but I thought that was kind of a myth, that you don't really have to take it at the same time every day - but maybe it wasn't like that back in the day, and it really was that easy to throw off?

I really don't want Peggy to sell Stan out. I'll be so sad if she does, and it seems like she will.