
This all demonstrates that a person can't fix you. Don thought that Megan would make him happy, and she did for a while, but in the end, he's still himself, and he can't get away from that no matter how many times he changes his name or how many women he marries.

Here's a question I have been pondering lately. People with a specific fetish: Do they get more turned on by their fetish than the degree to which people with more generic, conventional sexual interests get turned on by, like, watching garden variety porn or by having vanilla sex or whatever? The two people I've

The last question is interesting and I think it's good advice. My feeling is that asking her what kind of thing she wants to do really doesn't have to detract from the dominant/submissive dynamic. As long as he takes the lead in whatever scenario they end up doing it seems like everyone should wind up happy. When she

I forget if I've mentioned it on here before, but that one really great picture is not up anymore - it's a broken link (the beheading one). It sucks because I have come across multiple instances in which it would be appropriate to post. We do have this: http://sexylosers.com/191.html which is kinda related. Anyway, htt

"The six-one body." Do we think that that, or "his favorite beverage and also mine" is the more delightful phrase? Actually, is the style in which the review is written supposed to be ironically making fun of Drake? Or is it just, you know, like that?

I am so jealous of having the ability to listen to music in the shower. I get so incredibly bored in the shower, you have no idea. It's almost worth cultivating a serious relationship just to have shower company, save for the fact that the shower that's right next to my bedroom is one of those stall showers that only

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus That one doesn't bother me so much.

Thanks! :) Yeah - I moved back in December 2011. (I lived in Chicago and Austin before that, so now I've hit all the major AVC cities, or something.)

I was in Kansas City coming back to Boston yesterday afternoon. So I was reassuring all the people texting me, etc. that I wasn't even in Boston when it happened. The whole thing is so messed up and it was alarming to be on the plane for three hours cut off from knowing whatever developments had transpired.

High five - I use the library pretty much exclusively. I buy a new book maybe once or twice the year. I request interlibrary loan or hold items constantly, too.


@avclub-7a3a5778db9271d6f93523c8050ba200:disqus Ah ok! You can at-reply people fyi and then it's easier to tell who you are talking to. You just type the at-sign and then start typing their username. Sorry I misunderstood.

@avclub-7a3a5778db9271d6f93523c8050ba200:disqus I hope it doesn't sound as if I am ascribing such problems to people who "look like white trash." I was trying to give an example of negative characteristics that someone might assume the term implies (I was actually giving examples for "ghetto" not "white trash"). My

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus Do you feel the same way about "ghetto"? "Ghetto is someone who can't keep a job, probably has substance abuse problems, replaces a broken car window with duct tape, thinks McDonalds is fine dining." You think you're describing someone who leads a degenerate (to you)

I feel exactly the same way - the AV club has led to the vast, vast majority of the media I consume (not including books, but movies and music), either directly or indirectly, and probably moreso from the comments, over the last five years. Looking back, I think I actually credit the AV Club in full with what I'd like

I strongly disapprove of the term white trash. Even putting racism aside (I'd argue that it's not a racist term, though I'd prefer most strongly not to get into that at that all), dismissing a group of people based on socioeconomic status is wrong. A term doesn't have to be racist to be offensive.

The New Cult Canon, to me, has been one of the most defining components of the AV Club, especially as it started right about when I started reading this site. It will absolutely not be the same without it, and moreover, without Scott's overall contributions. Scott's work has been a vital element of the site to me - I

It really depends on the person. I mean there are plenty of people who smell bad to me too (and when I'm drenched in sweat after the gym, my gym clothes don't smell good to me either). I think it's all pheromones.

I have no idea whether I meant "be" or "have" but I probably only meant one of them.