
In my experience the best bartenders who get the prime shifts (Thursday - Saturday) also tend to work Sundays, but Sundays are quiet, so if you like talking to bartenders, it's a good night for it. I used to quite frequently go out Sundays.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I spend an insane amount of money on various skin and health related products and I don't even consider myself high maintenance. It's mostly because I have really sensitive skin and get terrible razor burn so I need to get expensive razor blades and two different very expensive anti-razor burn

Like two or three days. I have no patience so I wouldn't have stuck with it otherwise.

I have no idea. I used to use Dove powder scent. Aren't all normal deodorants supposed to be have anti-perspirant too?

Yes, could not agree more to meet quickly. I fucked up something I really wish had worked this year because of too high expectations due to talking too much before meeting in person. There is no problem with proposing meeting in person early on. You're not trying to make platonic friends, you're trying to date

I really feel like I have to get it now . . .

I'm visiting my brother! I actually think KC is pretty great. I'm not a fan of big cities so it suits me well. They're vegan so I've never had Kansas City barbeque but I've always eaten really well when I go there.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Marathon Monday. I mean, Patriot's Day.

That's what your girlfriend's face is for.

I'd also like to encourage as many other people as possible to do this. Or, you know, not wear deodorant at all if you're a hot guy. I was so happy in Germany this summer where it is less uncommon for guys not to.

I'm actually infinitely more bothered by sweating through things in the winter. I have incredibly hot feet and being able to wear open toed shoes makes a world of difference (not to mention I can wear sleeveless whatever then too). Sweating in the summer doesn't bother me at all.

Do you guys not get Monday off?! We do. I am taking Friday and making it extra long though.

I think it is more expensive maybe by $1 or $2 but I probably use a little less of it and deodorant always lasts me a really long time anyway. It definitely doesn't make an impact in my budget (I'm not the kind of person who really cares about that kind of small difference).

So, a while ago I decided I was unhappy with my deodorant because I would sweat through everything anyway and then the sleeves of all my shirts would smell like sweat and deodorant. I tried to switch to natural deodorant (Tom's of Maine, calendula scent) but it didn't really work. I finally realized that the problem

I am going to Kansas City this long weekend! To visit my brother and his family. I am so excited!

I hope you're quoting whoever delivered the #1 burn verbatim, instead of using that word spelled that way.

I bought this skirt on eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/310… It hasn't come yet. I am hoping it'll come tomorrow so I can take it on my vacation to Kansas City but I doubt it will.

Hotel California, also hands down.

I say it like "discus."

Not to argue against your life decisions because to each his or her own - but this is kind of tautological - if you and she had seen other people and then wound up with one of them who had interested you more, then you both would have been happy in the end too.