
@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus Fortunately I do not have to do any of that myself! The people who work for the GRE board are doing that. All I have to do is recruit participants, but that's hard enough as it is.

It's a validity test for the revised GRE, to see if it is a good predictor of success in graduate school or not.

I love Whole Foods. I have long tried to convince people that the reason it's "more expensive" isn't because food literally costs more there than at another store on an item by item basis, but that in addition to the "normal" food, they also sell an absolute ton of expensive shit like prepared food, fancy trail mix,

I mean, that valuable and necessary critiques get weighed down by people's negative reactions to what they perceive as stridency and judgmental lecturing.

That's the same problem feminism has been having.

I made a couple theme suggestions and definitely wouldn't mind $500. Coincidentally I am also trying to win $500 for a work thing by being the coordinator for a study I'm trying to get run. Getting a study to run is fucking hard. I'm so glad I'm not a psychologist. At this point I may have more chance of winning the

Thank you. I'm born and bred in the Northeast and I think the easy, thoughtless remarks about how terrible the South is are beyond tiresome. Socioeconomically prejudicial jokes about inbreeding and white trash aren't very funny either.

It's always struck me as one of those things where the point is the experience, so the exact cost is kind of immaterial, and that it's the abstract concept of being expensive that matters more than a dollar amount or what you literally receive in exchange for your money. I have a friend who's been working as a bouncer

I saw Spring Breakers which I really liked. I haven't seen any other Harmony Korine movies but now really want to. In the review of it, someone said that it's not an arthouse film that satirizes, but an exploitation movie that entertains. I actually find it to be somewhere between the two. It's not just an

Sally isn't the worst. True that not all teenagers are like that, but she seems pretty normal for a teenager.

I like this a lot. I can't think of any other specific examples right now, but while this is by far the most extreme case of it, Betty has made this kind of weird dark joke that doesn't exactly read as a joke before. One example I can think of is when she and Don are fighting in their bedroom in season one or two and

Oh yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing. I have a really good sense
of smell, but really anyone would be able to smell it in that context.

I don't think he seemed very good on this vacation. It also wasn't really a vacation - it was essentially a work related trip, so he couldn't relax. He seemed visibly uncomfortable to me.

I really like that we got to start talking about it the second the episode aired instead of having to wait a couple hours (I got more sleep at least) but I really don't like having to click through three pages of the same comment before getting to anything worthwhile.

That in and of itself isn't interesting, and they wouldn't spend so much time on it in as tight a show as Mad Men is if it weren't more significant than that.

Me too. I've rewatched that scene so many times. Just those few moments. His delivery of it, and Don's change in expression, are just flawless.

Also, why does she look so weird? I feel like this is an almost Anna Gunn-level facial transformation.

I really love the idea of everything being doorways we walk through, and they all open in the same way. I've brought this up before on here recently, but that's another reason the end of The Magician King is so moving - that it's impossible not to want to walk through the doorway and let yourself think that what's on

I have a couple pretty great pictures of my dad from then, I think it's worth it.
