
I think the factor that differentiates it from his marriage to Betty is that they are equals in the relationship, and they fight, actually talk, connect on an intellectual level, and Megan expects things of him beyond the sort of robotic "provide for your family, live in the same house" paint-by-numbers version of

Ok, so, Bob Benson. What's his deal? Speculations?

It was surprising, but also not surprising. This is the first time I've ever really disliked Don, or seen him as a bad person. I know he cheated on Betty while they were married, and that objectively, it's equally bad, but I have a really strong tendency to identify with the protagonist regardless of morality (for

@avclub-d7d1e0309597c93cda923d6b631281cc:disqus Stan actually goes a little bit of the way toward making up for Ginsberg.

I actually found the conversation between Stan and Peggy really sweet, most just for the fact that that they were both working late on New Year's Eve and talking on the phone and that we see that they're close enough to the point where you don't hang up to go get coffee. It's actually pretty rare to make a friend like

That was probably my favorite line of the episode.

I have never become less attracted to anyone faster.

It actually strikes me as a weird combination of the two (exploitation vs. homage), maybe like 70 vs 30%. I think it works though.

It's coke.

I appreciated it.

I did take a moral value from it, actually, but that might be my projection. I thought it was an effective commentary on how depraved, soulless and horrible frat party/spring break culture is. By carrying it out to its most extreme imaginable "logical" extension you can really see how horrible it is, where stuff like

Like @avclub-bd4918705794f8404db19a92c998b98a:disqus I hate Skrillex, saw it last night, and the soundtrack is actually pretty perfect. Not just the background music but the songs they used too. Also the "first author" is Cliff Martinez, most recently famous for the Drive soundtrack.

Interesting! I didn't remember that.

I started watching Mad Men after I got the DVDs out of Netflix, which I paid a monthly subscription for. I watched the first and second season that way and I've since bought four seasons of Mad Men on iTunes. I started watching Breaking Bad after I got the first season DVDs out of the library, and I've since bought

@sirslud:disqus I wish you the same!

I finally listened and it's really not good. It's not, like, egregiously terrible but that's an extremely low bar. I was pretty intrigued, but I would not listen to this a second time nor would I have sought out music that sounded like this on purpose. Oh well.

@avclub-e65eb6ba3701c107cdd1eb43da31f6e2:disqus Nobody has a human right to consume entertainment. It's absurd for you to pretend I implied that I think only a certain economic class of people "deserve" access to art. There's a remedy in that society provides libraries as a public service for people to access books,

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Oh man, I was having a braindead moment because I've actually had and enjoyed the Moscow Mule many times. Weird that I forgot that. I love any variety of ginger soda, the more carbonation the better. If I get it there again I'm going to ask for sans rosewater.

I am virulently anti-pirating and I waffle a little bit on this kind of issue, too. If there's literally no way whatsoever in the world to buy it legally (which would include if you could get it on VHS, because one could theoretically buy a VHS player), you can't get it from a library even with WorldCat, and it's

Speaking of cocktails! I had two interesting cocktails this week. One was Grey Goose Poire, blackberry balsamic (I wasn't sure if this was blackberry vinegar, or blackberry balsamic syrup or something) and Prosecco (I love, love Prosecco). It got kind of cough syrup-y at the end but I would definitely try to make