
@avclub-2b1488ea4f41f775d267fd910480d14a:disqus I am both physically and mentally incapable of fucking a Pikachu backpack.

I saw it on facebook, but posted in the context of concern about appropriation of black culture, and also in the context of concern about designating something as "ratchet" culture. I became confused and overwhelmed and didn't watch the video.

This is the inverse of what you suggest, but it brings to mind that I once had one of those stuffed animal backpacks of a Pikachu which I won at a fair, where it's like a stuffed animal but with a little pocket to put something in. So one probably could have fucked it if one had wanted to.

I'm with @avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus. He looks like a composite. Also like an adolescent pretty boy.

I don't really understand this (not trying to be difficult, I genuinely don't understand). Can't you schedule the post to go up at a certain time, or is that not possible? Why does editorial team need to be on hand to post an article? They can't edit it in advance or something? Why is this different from the million

Yeah no kidding what the fuck. I don't want to see this!

I always thought of Nick not as a dope, but as the consummate observer. He’s not exactly aloof and removed from the action, but it’s more like he’s always going to be separate from it – someone who watches what’s going on instead of fully participating. You can participate a little (like, the way he becomes a part of

He's not someone who had deep personal significance to me; I wasn't ever particularly familiar with his work, but I can still appreciate other people's sentiments about why he was important to them (hence why I'm here reading these comments despite this). I mean, I had the same reaction when Maurice Sendak died. It

That is so great. Appreciating being given the opportunity to change your mind is, I think, one of the hallmarks of a really great human being.

What the fuck is going on here?

Oh shit. I wasn't even a particular fan and that is really moving.

Nora Ephron?

My taste in male celebrities probably runs more to the unconventional (Example: I can barely watch any movie with Adrien Brody in it because I am too busy staring at him to focus on the plot) and I think Ryan Gosling is unbelievably hot. I will say that the way he moves and conducts himself is part of it in addition

I agree largely with Scrawler. I wouldn't ever have thought to describe Drive as ironic. I do see where you are coming from @avclub-b63f73301fe289a7c258eb2e3f4986ce:disqus regarding the contrast between the conventional expectation of a hero and how Ryan Gosling's character acts. However I think this is a pretty

What is this documentary even about? The caves? We already knew about them. There's a children's book about caves in Ukraine that Jews hid in. None of this is new. Those who want to, know this already. It's on you if you would be interested to know and don't know, not "shocking" that it's an "untold story." Not

I spent the summer after eighth grade staying up late listening to the 80's program on Mix 98.5. I actually called in to request this song (I'm not sure why, because they played it at least daily anyway) once at like 2 am, so I could record it to cassette tape and listen to it over and over again.

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus I like my men like I like my Arrested Development.

I meant "like making it last longer." Good grief. The weird thing is that that almost works, if it said "it also makes liking it last longer."

Me too. I also make liking it last longer.

I still do it but now I listen to podcasts. It's very hard for me to fall asleep without it. I sleep like a vampire, on my back with my arms folded over my chest, motionless.