
How do you guys know their names?

This movie was amazing. It's probably the best new release I've seen in the past year or maybe even longer than that. I want to go see it in the theater again immediately. There were several points I was actually grinning while watching it just because it was so great. Specifically at the scene where the cell phone

Your point about how she is different from Charlie, in that she did care that he would kill her mother, is really good. She is like him in terms of liking to kill, but fundamentally different enough to matter - I think she can control it. I also think it might not have been evoked in her without Charlie.

I think ecosystems are really complicated and non-native species can create all kinds of problems, maybe further down the line, than is possible to easily foresee and prevent. The idea is that gerbils being desert animals they might quickly multiply in the deserts of California. I really don't see pest control going

"who would pay for cable or netflix when its all online and available to download in under 5 mins?"


You can buy most TV shows on iTunes. That's what I do with all the shows I watch. I don't have a TV.

Seriously, fuck you. You, and others who write papers for hire, are among the scum of the earth.

Right on.

I think that's part of its charm.

@avclub-454487a59417c2aff3f0bff407a28ae9:disqus Yeah, rats live a short time. I think usually 2-3 years. I too have heard female rats are prone to tumors and to ovarian cancer. I think I'm too sensitive for that.

I don't think it's depressing, I think it's sad. It is a fantastic movie and really funny, but I turned down the opportunity to see it in the theater (after watching it on DVD) because I didn't want to sit through the sad ending again. The thing at the end where he tells his wife he's taking his team to the top floor.

That's the very joke!

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus I know! It sucks. I have definitely been dating other people (and so has he!) but I cannot shake this ridiculous crush anyway. He explicitly said we would/could hook up again in the future so I cannot make myself stop thinking about that possibility. The only benefit

I second this 100%. To me, sleeping with someone is absolutely no indication that I'm not sleeping with anyone else, nor does it confer an obligation to make a declarative statement about my intentions either then or at a later date. And the same applies to the other party. I think you need to have an "Is this

True story, I am constantly making glove-related OJ Simpson jokes and nobody ever gets them.

Comment tie in: Something very similar happened to Tig Hague whom I mention in context with Russian prison on a subsequent page. However, the reason he didn't want to go to the doctor is because he was, with good reason, convinced that he would definitely end up blind from that and also maybe get HIV from reusing

Yeah, it's dickish, but it's also something people do a lot in real life. If you know for a fact that you never want to go out with her again, definitely say "It's not working out" or similar, but I don't think it really hurts anything to go out with someone you like fine even if she is your second choice, as long as

Yeah, I totally agree. I think there is a difference between "attracted to to the extent that trying to be friends makes you unhappy" and "attracted to but it's mild enough that the friendship is more valuable." With my friend it's the latter, but there are people it's been the former with. The main reason I can't let

Thank you! I think Hyperion is a good label too. I'm often hearing stuff I like on the radio and it turns out to be from them. Even beyond still buying CDs, I actually check CDs out of the library so those are definitely useful suggestions.