
I just sent a test message from my work email and that worked fine. Very weird.

I think it was from being at a bachelor party. I forget precisely what happened but in context, it was more of a rolling his eyes at incorrigible drunk pals trying to get him to smoke up even though he has a business trip tomorrow type thing, not a despicably trying to get him in trouble with border police type thing.

Nope, that's really my email verbatim. I'm logged into it right now in fact. Sorry it doesn't seem to be working.

If you've only seen her a couple times can you just phase her out by saying you are really busy? Being phased out honestly kind of sucks, but it's probably better than saying "I met someone else I like more." Also, if things don't work out with girl #1 don't you want to keep seeing girl #2? I know you say you don't

@PugsMalone:disqus I really am a superficial jerk, so I think you're OK on that count.

I would be happy to review anyone's profile (not that I'm the expert) and am reachable at elliexx87@gmail.com.

Holy shit. Not realizing you're supposed to pay a bribe is a mistake other people have made. I did a project on Russian prison and read "Tomorrow You Go Home" by Tig Hague. He was going to Russia on business, his friends literally put a joint in his coat pocket that he didn't know about, he got stopped at the airport,

Not opera related if that's OK, but I have a classical music question I'd like advice about! I have pretty specific tastes in classical music. I basically only like early music and baroque. I realize that this is very boring, but it's what I like. I end up listening to Bach and Mozart and Handel ALL THE TIME. I am so

I had an OKCupid profile up for a while and I didn't put my picture,
just said I was looking for someone really good-looking and that I was
too. This worked out for me incredibly well.

@avclub-cad44517b35950ca85cffe44458ff25a:disqus I would say don't mention it. It wouldn't be a deal breaker for me personally but per my below post I think one should basically try to sound as normal as possible.

I read (maybe here, if so, apologies for the repeat) that you should look more at people who are like a 70-80% match because otherwise you'll be too similar and it'll be boring.

Siberian dumplings.

You could have made borscht but it sounds like you have it covered with your schi/borsch amalgamation. I have a truly fantastic borscht recipe, but I can't find it, which is tragic.

Pelmeni are awesome.

I have never and will never consume a Shamrock Shake, but one year I can remember they did green whipped cream for mochas at Starbucks for St. Patrick's Day. I think it was 2002 and that I was 14 at the time. It made me violently ill, and the food coloring was really, really pervasive. I have to assume others had the

That sucks. 24-Hour Party People is in my top five favorite movies of all time. Your friends are idiots.

Yeah, I'm admittedly still mildly attracted to the guy I reference below, but nowhere near the level that it actually bothers me or detracts from our friendship at all. Sometimes it's fun to have a mild attraction, flirt etc. even when nothing more serious would come of it and you don't even actually want it to.

Right on. I spent up until age 19 or so being the stereotypical terrified of rejection, maintains secret crush for over a year, shy and scared of interactions with the opposite sex type of person. I had this huge, huge crush on a guy in my dorm, and finally, after a year and a half, got up the nerve to tell him I

I usually don't follow this advice myself (I have this with someone right now in fact), but I think it's impossible to have a satisfying friendship with someone you actually wish you were dating. Dikachu is absolutely right - you have to lay it on the table and not just secretly agonize over it, or you'll be

I did have one extremely traumatic gerbil incident. Overall I had three pairs of gerbils and one single gerbil (Single gerbils are not recommended because they get lonely, but he was the only surviving male in the litter my middle school Latin teacher had). My third pair of gerbils were this really beautiful white and