
That's horrifying. I don't think I'd tell people that if I were you (I mean, if you were the person who left them in the sun?).

I feel the same way. I hate crowds, I hate standing in line, I hate having to wait to go to the bathroom, I hate having my bag searched, I hate not having easy access to free water, and I hate waiting around for things to happen. I don't even like going to normal non-festival concerts for these reasons. I've been to

I feel sad for the children of California that they can't have gerbils. I loved having pet gerbils through many years of my childhood.

My sole festival experience: I went to Ozzfest in 2003, when I was 15, for the main purpose of seeing Marilyn Manson. I was wearing thigh high white stockings, platform leather boots, and this obscenely short brown plaid mod-style minidress, so I spent the day being yelled at repeatedly to bend over, still probably

True fact, after a while (i.e. in alcoholism) your body learns to waste alcohol calories.

He complained about having to be there in the first place, answered two different cell phones while on microphone, and implied that teleologically speaking, it doesn't make sense that the entirety of the Jewish race wasn't killed in the Holocaust.


I've heard Lynne Ramsay is a bit dramatic/mercurial so I'm not surprised if she just didn't show up, irresponsibly, or if there was some drama about it or something. They did a feature weekend on her at the Harvard Film Archive (I really liked Ratcatcher) that she was supposed to be at in person to introduce one of

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Embarrassing for your boss maybe. Seriously, wouldn't it have been easier to either a) wait an hour until you reappeared or b) go look in different areas of the office than to find your mom on facebook? Does he or she also go looking for you when you are in the bathroom?

I don't know the exact analog. The most I can come up with would be, like, *дрочусь* but I'm not a native speaker.

Is anyone else bothered by the spelling "Constantine?" Anyway, really hoping for a tattooing scene in this movie.

Eh, never mind.

When I first saw it I was like "Oh, I totally see it" but now he looks way more like Frank Langella to me.

Do you get asked that a lot?

I had a vomit phobia when I was a kid, including movies, so if I saw someone throw up in a movie it would seriously ruin the next week for me. But when I went to college and started throwing up from drinking, I got over that and it doesn't bother me anymore. (I eventually outgrew that too and no longer throw up on the

I reread "Between Shades of Gray" on Thursday night and cried about as much as the first time I read it. It was great.

I might be biased because I get free gym membership from the university I work at, and also because I don't run, but I really think this is not the case. Gym membership fits way better into many people's lives than exercising outside. You have to go to a lot more concerted effort to get strenuous exercise outside

I too am really sorry about your cat. I'm glad you were able to cheer yourself up some with Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. That's the most up-cheering thing I can probably think of, too.

I saw them in Boston this past winter. It was truly fantastic. Boots Riley hugged me twice, complimented my handshake and knew exactly how to spell my name. I second your fuck yeah.

I would totally do that, but I don't know anyone else who would want to, so it's a moot point. The gym at the university I work at has locker rooms that haven't been renovated for like 50 years and they actually have a communal shower room, but I don't think anyone uses them (or the locker room, really).