
@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus No, it's definitely funny to come up against these moments when you realize that your worldview is like infinitesimally different from the majority of others'. I agree it's bizarre I've never seen Apollo 13 or Animal House. I have no excuse. And hey, on the subject of

@avclub-c099e468717d7f2501b9538dd6bdf97b:disqus Dude, that wasn't my point, I wasn't being ironic. I'm about as anti knee-jerk political correctness as they come, but ethnic costumes are legitimately awful and you sound like a jerk.

I was relatively disappointed by The Devil's Double - it was a fantastic premise and concept - but I feel like the movie somehow just didn't really hit as high as it could have. I would unqualifiedly say it is a suitable attempt, though.

I really, really liked Lust, Caution. I think the main actress in that is amazing and I would love to see her in other movies.

Just replying to make an obligatory Bellona reference.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I'll be honest, I don't see all that many movies or follow celebrities, and I have barely heard of Michelle Rodriguez and think the idea of not having heard of Michelle Williams is insane. Among other things there was a major feature article about her in the NYT after

Thanks! I know, ebay is addictive. I also am one of those people who becomes obsessed with needing to acquire certain items (I've wanted a navy corduroy miniskirt for FOREVER) and it is so fun to go on the hunt.

I feel similarly about how it depicts the demographic. I'm 25, which makes me frustrated to feel that I might be painted with the same brush as the Girls characters. I don't deny what Todd says about the relatability of their mistakes and so forth, but I have a job, I strive to minimize chaos in my life as much as

Great post and I totally agree.

My explanation for why I'm not very interested in it is that I know enough people kind of like the characters in the TV show that it's just not compelling. I'm irritated by those things in real life and choose not to engage with them whenever I can, so I don't want to probe them for relatable meaning during my limited

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Unless you're the kind of person who thinks it's super hot when guys don't wear deodorant.

I have been really sick for a lot of this year, which is better now, but for a while I lived in fear that I was getting either hypochondria or Munchausen's syndrome (seriously). I love my doctor and I kind of like medical procedures and taking pills, which is weird and pathetic, so it kind of makes sense. But I'm

I've had sleep paralysis just once and it made me terrified to go to sleep for the next couple weeks. I actually was in bed with someone else at the time but in the paralysis, I could "see" from a different perspective than where my eyes actually were and saw a different unidentifiable person in the bed. Really awful

I bought this dress on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/J-C… I'm really excited to get it and for it to be warm enough to wear it. I am recently obsessed with ebay.

I met up with a guy from a dating site who like blatantly lied about his height (I'm 5'7", he said he was 5'10" and was maaaaaybe like 5'8" but probably really my height). The really awful thing is though that I am glad he lied about it because it was actually super awesome and I quite likely wouldn't have responded,

I don't have anything meaningful to say except that that was a truly excellent joke.

I cooked real food last night for approximately the third or fourth time this academic year! I made short grain brown rice with vegan sea salt & herbs bouillon, and I had some pre-made butternut squash with cranberries and shallots, and I then baked a salmon filet along with olive oil, Meyer lemon juice, some chopped

I have a thing about paying for my own drinks because in the past when I have let guys buy me drinks, it never goes well. I think this is partly inadvertent not necessarily a direct correlation, but I don't think it's a bad rule. I do think it applies much more causatively to if you run into a guy in a bar who wants

To your "angrier" point, the AV Club is like eight times more "nice" and touchy feely than it used to be back in the day. It's definitely not angrier. Sure it's different, but it's LESS edgy. It might be less weird too. I have to say I think if anything the actual audio-visual related content, aka the articles, has