
She's by far not unattractive, but she looks so much better in everything else she's in than in Mad Men. I saw her in a promo still for "Top of the Lake" and was mildly stunned.

I love Cosgrove too. He's normal, but still an interesting person.

@avclub-00f78cde29bb8610bbff01c5bd6c47b3:disqus It was a random guy.

I like the new hair OK on Megan. People probably won't tell me I look like her anymore, though. Le sigh.

Noooo! Michael Ginsberg, my future husband, is one of the very best parts of season 5. But I have to say, his hair looks a little different and I'm not super happy about it.

I actually do think it's like any other kind of pornography. I could be totally wrong, but I imagine that the ne plus ultra for foot fetishists is not out of context pictures of feet, but feet attached to hot people, or feet in some vivid scenario, or best yet feet in real life attached to a person one is attracted to.

@avclub-7706d2dc2da6837340effd985dc620b6:disqus Or leprosy.

Wow, I was only 9 when this came out apparently. I first saw it when I was 14 and my friends and I suddenly discovered that drug culture existed and subsequently watched it like a million times on VHS. I bought the soundtrack immediately. It really is a killer soundtrack.

I never have had posters in any of my dorm rooms. I have a collection of vintage postcards that I bought from a guy selling books and papers on the street in Zagreb, Croatia. He kissed my hand and told me I looked Polish because Polish women are the most beautiful in Europe. They're really neat postcards; most of them

She's great in Anna Karenina.

@Scrawler2:disqus The main thing I remember from it is the title of the eponymous production, "Seven Rides for Seven Brothers." That phrase is emblazoned in my brain for some reason. Also the scene where they have a terrible sex accident filming one of theaforementioned seven rides. (Which I now see Bob Dylan Thomas

That's a fantastic idea for an inventory. I have this with the HBO noise too.

Yeah for sure. It's way easier to abstain than to moderate (not for all people, but most). I stopped not drinking after about a month (February) and feel kind of bad about it. I haven't got blackout drunk again, which is great, but I still sort of wish I were not drinking at all. I've never, like, gone on a bender but

The Station Agent is one of my favorite movies of all time. It captures perfectly that quality of "would rather look for water in the desert than go to the well" except in the movie they actually find it.

You probably have misophonia. There's nothing special about the chewing in that movie.

We didn't have internet for three days, and just moments ago my roommate
fixed the problem himself and changed our network to

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus Thanks. I'm from here originally so I'm very pro Boston and determined to make it work! I agree that it is really easy to pick up in New York, esp. in comparison. Honestly, I think one of the problems is there not being very many pick up-y bars around here (mostly due to

This picture is generally awful. I literally said "Gross" out loud upon clicking through.

With all due respect to Scrawler I like this cut better. I think brevity is generally an asset in captions.

Yes to The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. That's my favorite movie, period. Everything is perfect. I could watch it for about twice as long. Also Days of Heaven.