
I was sick all weekend too, with a flash flu. Friday night I went out with a friend I hadn't seen in forever, even though I didn't feel like it, but I've canceled on him about three times before so I had to, and by the time I got home I thought I was going to pass out on the bus or in the shower. I was legitimately

Michael Fassbender. I also like Adrien Brody and Christian Bale, and, like everyone else, Ryan Gosling, but I don't share so everyone else can have him.

Well, I think they did give him a "conflicted about his attraction to Peggy" thing, but it was incredibly subtle, understated, and took up about the same amount of time that something like that would in real life as opposed to a dramatic TV show, which is why Mad Men is awesome.

Vronsky is a dick. It didn't seem too ambiguous to me. He's definitely not a protagonist in the sense of your hoping everything turns out OK for him in any greater capacity than his existence as a person. But the great thing about Tolstoy is that even though he is a dick, he still is illuminated in real and described

I also like to apostrophize acronym plurals, like CD's and FAQ's, but even though this is technically correct (not that CDs and FAQs isn't correct, they're both correct), it's so uncommon that people tend to assume it's wrong, so I don't do it much.

I thought he was mixed race like part Native American and part white.

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus Thanks! I'm probably more fun now that I am no longer am in the habit of pretentiously espousing my thoughts on Nietzsche which were admittedly largely derived from Marilyn Manson interviews.

I work at a grad school. I will be at work as usual, but I am nevertheless extremely excited for spring break because faculty being mostly gone hopefully means that it will calm down enough for a week so that I can actually get a lot done. I could be totally wrong. But I'm hoping.

When I was 14 my mom sent me to sleepaway camp for the first time. I was miserable and spent nearly the entire time in my bunk reading Thus Spake Zarathustra, A Happy Death, and similar. One night most of our fellow campers were away on an overnight camping expedition and one of the bouncy, preppy, popular girls in my

That's great. I was under the impression they had a custom package from their explanation of it when they changed to Disqus in the first place, but I thought the recent changes were meant to be across the board, so that they're not expecting a changeover is great news.

My non-caption-intended comment is that I find this picture like really, really viscerally disturbing. I hope that's supposed to be the intent.

Variations of this will never not make me laugh.

Agreed. I'm not the best expert in the world at it, but I think I'm pretty good at google stalking, and you can find out a LOT about people from just a little. I just checked the (also "anonymous") email address I've mentioned on here a couple times and I found some stuff with a ton of other identifying information,

I miss the culture of that too, a little bit. I'm not saying it was so much worse - it had a certain je ne sais quoi. The internet in general is fast moving away from anonymity, and I think that's sad. It's not that I don't like knowing personal things about people, or hate the idea of interacting with AVC'ers IRL,

I was one of the people who went over to Twitter in about 2009-2010. It was pretty great. We had a wonderful community. Some people got married stemming from interacting with each other on twitter (no joke). Now I'm not on Twitter anymore and back here. Even though I didn't really get in on the beginning of this wave

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus I love grapefruit juice, that sounds so delicious and I wish I had some right this moment. I used to drink so many vodka & grapefruit juices that I asked my doctor if it's true that it increases your risk of kidney stones, which I have a major phobia of (but I drink a

This is of course now moot, but I feel like you have to have some kind of limit on levels. You can still "reply" to specific people on your same level by @-ing them, but of course @-ing requires the extra manual step that not everyone does. I think it works though.

Oh man, you can also see who the most prolific commenters are. That's pretty cool. I was happy to see that some old school commenters e.g. mbs are still in there.

I read all the hysteria yesterday and was kind of making fun of it in my head, but this honestly blows, even if they go all the way across the page. Also, when they changed to the version of Disqus we've been using, we already decided we didn't want downvotes, and they listened to us about it - I really hope that

Wow, that sounds like an interesting field. Is it more like the hard or social sciences? I can't think of many schools I know of offhand that offer that program. Thinking about it as out of your hands is definitely the best way of looking at it - applying is so stressful.