
I have an office job, I work in grad school administration. I don't spend a huge amount of time online and especially today, I'm probably too busy to really be on the AV Club. But in general, it's nice and I get to structure my own time. Except at this time of year we're not too slammed that I can't check the AVC

I look for casual sex with strangers on Craigslist. In fact I replied to someone's ad and started talking to him just recently. It worked out really well, like miraculously, one of the most exciting things that's ever happened to me well, then totally fell apart (for the same kind of reasons that would have beset

Mine does that too (sometimes both legs), so I don't do leg raises. It doesn't hurt really but it bothers me enough not to do them. I guess that's pretty common.

Good luck! Incidentally, I work in graduate school administration. I don't do admissions directly, but I do a lot of stuff related to it and it is truly making work headache-inducing right now. I had three different admissions related problems today already. So it's a bad time of year for everyone! I'm planning to

I have mac and cheese for lunch too! It's not as awesome as homemade though. It's Annie's five grain elbows with a bag of frozen peas, and then some extra part skim mozzerella cheese and hot pepper and olive oil (I always add a drizzle of olive oil to mac and cheese, or pretty much most things I'm eating). I made two

I always want to give something up for Lent but I have never been able to come up with something that I would be giving up for the right reasons. I used to have an eating disorder and I am really happy with the way I eat now, so I don't really want to give up any food item. There are plenty of behaviors I could give

Yeah, exactly. I like plain food and not too sweet. I think they're perfect because I never ever feel gross after eating them, but I also never am motivated to eat a whole sleeve at once or anything like that.

You know what is the best cookie in the world? Mint Newman-Os. I defy anyone to challenge me on this.

I've been listening to Public Enemy, NWA and A Tribe Called Quest on shuffle to work out to for the last couple weeks. There are only very specific types of music I can listen to while working out, it pretty much has to be hip hop or electronica (though sometimes I have the Pixies or Jesus and Mary Chain or some

Yeah, pretty boring this week. Not just the letters themselves but that they don't produce much comment fodder. For some ungodly reason I always look forward to reading AVCers' perspectives on weird sex.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I think that even as prevalent and problematic as gun violence and access to guns is in America, we don't have a good perspective on this because of how incredibly violent South Africa is. It's one of the most violent

@avclub-945a7c90799a612f5d07ffea88bfb479:disqus I feel like I have a completely different understanding of the word "cunt" from other people. It doesn't seem "specially bad" to me. But apparently it's the linguistic equivalent of rape on a network show. News to me!

Nicely played. I feel like I am literally the only person I know who thinks it's plausible that he didn't intend to kill her, that it was an accident. I'm not saying I condone shooting through a closed door, or that I'm unwilling to believe that he killed her on purpose - I just think it's definitely possible that he

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I'm not saying it's a Boston thing, it probably isn't, it just would never occur to me personally that it didn't apply to men equally well as to women. I can assure you that your understanding isn't universal either, cf. I don't share it and I promise I can find other people who also don't. Of

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I'm from Boston and still live there. I agree that that usage is more of a British thing (and I think they use the word "cunt" much more than we do in general - and I also agree that it sounds much "worse" in American English) but I still would genuinely never ever think of it as something

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus This is the most attractive person I've ever seen in my life, and most of the sex talk is great, so he'd have to do something pretty egregious to get kicked out of bed. But on a slightly more nuanced note, upon reflection, there is something sort of appealing about the

I like "pussy." (Chorus: "Me too!") To the exclusion of other words. I recently had a guy use both "cunt" and "snatch" in the context of sex talk while we were having sex. I honestly kind of wanted to giggle at "snatch" so it was kind of off putting overall. I've also heard "vagina" once during sex which is equally

I'm a woman and have never once in a thousand years felt that the word "cunt" was especially derogatory toward a woman than toward a man. I definitely can understand why you and others might be particularly offended by it, but it never ever would have occurred to me that it has gender implications. In my experience

I'm not Catholic in the least, but I can understand it. It's clear that there are huge, endemic, deep-seated and horrifically troubling problems in the church authority structure, priesthood, etc. But statistically, there just have to be way more churches, priests and parishes that have a positive influence on

This weekend Wait Wait Don't Tell Me did one of their "Best of Not My Job" episodes which featured when Martha Stewart was on, and she offered that the best way to de-seed a pomegranate was to cut it into quarters, and then whack the back of each quarter hard with a wooden spoon, into a bowl, until all the seeds come