
On Friday I went to my roommates' a capella concert which was pretty good. It was sort of fun to go to a student-performed cultural event on campus, it reminded me of college, and how there is always cool free stuff going on, which kind of goes away when you are no longer at college (they are undergraduate students).

Congratulations. I am CPR certified but I wish I weren't, because I have no fucking clue how to do it (I mean, I theoretically do, but I totally feel like I would flip out and freeze up given the opportunity). That's really impressive and good for you. Do you know what was wrong with him?

Hunger is a fantastic movie. In particular I think the nurse who looks after him at the end of his life is one of the most amazing film performances. It's (I think?) a totally wordless, or almost totally wordless character but he conveys so much empathy and compassion and caring just through physical presence.

I once had a grilled peanut butter, jelly and pepper jack cheese sandwich. It was fantastic.

I might be the only AV Club commenter to have read this book, but Jostein Gaarder's The Solitaire Mystery contains a description of this magical drink called Rainbow Fizz that tastes like every different kind of fruit flavored soda, but you taste it all over your body in all different places and different flavors from

One of my most satisfying eating experiences was eating noodles after watching In The Mood For Love. That would probably be the movie I most want to eat the food from.

It's mentioned on the first page.

I went through a big Wensleydale phase when I was a kid, specifically because of Wallace & Gromit.

YES! I have been scrolling down for the specific purpose of finding someone mentioning Redwall. I actually have the Redwall Cookbook, but before they came out with it, I would try to make things from the books, mostly variants of pot pie. I especially wanted to try all the interesting sounding cordials. The hotroot

Me too. I loved it. Then once in seventh grade she gave me green milk in my lunch and all the other kids made fun of me.

@avclub-9a4ac317cb97a077c26c66efb5eac98e:disqus I don't hate this song by any means, but both True Faith and the Beach Boys are in an entirely, entirely different league.

Thanks for sharing your informed perspective with us!

I have that feeling about "Laid" which actually IS an old(er) song, but seems somehow timeless, like I'd totally believe it came out last year.

I had a big crisis of conscience when I read Helter Skelter and it totally convinced me that the murderers deserved the death penalty. I had been (and still am) fervently, fervently anti-death penalty. I don't know how to think about it anymore. Especially since one of the murderers, having been given the death

All the bands I like are really nondescript according to this, i.e. really far down on the questions. The only strong correlation I found was for Elliott Smith (#3 for "I'm drunk right now").

That's why the AV Club is so great. This is entered into with equal enthusiasm and seriousness, yet still including vulgarity and puns, as are the lesbian etc. jokes above.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Oh, ok! When I hear "waking up naked in strange location" I start thinking about, like, organ theft. Probably the most famous Russian movie Ирония судьбы (The Irony of Fate) has a plot very similar to that, actually, except he wakes up in the duplicate of his apartment

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I have a half brother who's like eighteen years older than I am, so I'm closer in age to his kids - in fact their oldest is just 4 years younger than I am - but my relationship with him and my sister in law has always been like we're the same generation - like, we have a

@Dikachu:disqus It's a cool theory and one I've read about before but I thought that the studies were pretty inconclusive about whether that actually happens (the "scooping out" effect, that is). I think that humans having concealed estrus is enough to account for the "several potential fathers improving odds for the

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus While your stories are typically delightful this one inasmuch as you've told of it just strikes me as deeply disturbing. Yikes.