
When my dad was a graduate student he went through a major blackened fish phase, in which all he cooked was blackened fish. He eventually stopped when he realized that the walls of his apartment were slowly turning blackened as well. My mom may have been the one to point this out to him.

I once came home drunk in college, was going to make mac & cheese, put the water on then fell asleep. The next morning the water had boiled away and the bottom of the pan was all flakey and the kitchen smelled like burning metal. I felt really guilty. It was a $26 pan from Target though, so not too much harm done

I'm not crazy about those sandals, I think they are kind of boxy looking, but maybe you have really pretty feet and don't need to worry about boxy sandals. I am totally addicted to those Teva flipflops with the four crisscrossing straps - they are the perfect combination of looking enough like real sandals but

I didn't eat lunch because I was mysteriously not hungry even though I ate less breakfast than usual (dry cereal instead of something toasted with peanut butter). Now I am incredibly hungry but I have to go to class and by the time I get back at 4:30 I might as well just wait and eat dinner a million hours from now.

Like others, I think it looks fine after the third picture, and I'm one of those people who is driven crazy by guys wearing shirts that are too big for them.

Istria is just like Italy but for cheap. I've actually never been to Slovenia but Croatian Istria is great. Go to Rovinj and Pula and maybe go down the coast a ways and to some of the islands off the Dalmatian coast.

Go to the Caribbean. I have always wanted to go there. My dream vacation is somewhere I can't even begin to try to speak the language, so I can just be a dumb tourist. Europe is fantastic but exhausting. If you want a vacation vacation, you should go somewhere you can just lie around and enjoy yourself.

Yes, go out with both of them. So many people are like "Oh, I don't know which person I like more!" which is stupid - everyone should always go out with as many people as possible, unless you like someone so much that you want to see only him or her and he or she feels the same way, in which case, yahtzee.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I become ridiculously sentimentally attached to practically every object I've ever touched so I don't really feel like the price would make a difference to me? Especially not if it were as sentimental an object as an engagement ring. But I do think that losing something

Oh man, I have exactly that same thing with that word. I have never been able to remember which way it means and for some reason I can never figure it out from context either, even though it should be really obvious. Also, Shakesville is the craziest place I have ever seen on the internet. I ventured there once never

I'm an assistant at a university, so I'm not exactly making bank, but two month's of my salary seems, to me, like an ungodly amount of money to spend on any one thing. (And yet I somehow seem to spend not terribly much less than that every two months. Still, that's like, including rent and student loans and food.) I d

@avclub-445c00b7f37f817d4b2c309208ad00b2:disqus That is AWESOME. (Your friend's crest revision, that is.)

never mind.

Eh, I agree with Dan. It would probably make me nervous too, but it seems like it would hurt his feelings more than it would bother her, so she should be the one to put up with it, especially if as she says it's not really a financial concern.

I don't think so. At most weddings I've been to one of the bridesmaids is the groom's sister or something like that. Even though bridesmaid is a female role and groomsman is a male role I think people expect that there will be cross pollination. I went to a wedding with a female best man in September and she wore the

I think over-salting is a problem in general. It ruins my boots.

I love, love, love Elliott Smith, but honestly, practically all his songs sound very similar, so I think this is really not something you have to worry about with him in particular. Some of my favorite Elliott Smith songs are Whatever (Folk Song In C), Junk Bond Trader, Somebody That I Used To Know, Needle In The Hay,

I went to the Croatian coast back in 2006, which I guess is quite a while ago and it's become way more popular now so might be more pricey & crowded, but there's still no way it would approach like France or Italy on either measure. Hvar and Krk are great islands and the Istrian peninsula is a can't miss - especially

I went to see Pola X at the Harvard Film Archive. I've never seen a Carax movie before. It's probably the strangest movie I have ever seen, and I liked it a lot - it took me a little while to get into it because the main character is such a dick, but after the weird stuff started happening I liked how all the events

The Virgin Spring is amazing - it's one of my favorite movies. I'm not sure if this is an obvious thought, but I really like how even though it is a pivotal plot element and maybe some people would see the movie as being more "about" the revenge element, the rape/murder is incredibly sad and completely felt. Maybe