
You should consider the eastern Adriatic too - it's just as (if not more) beautiful and Mediterranean-y but cheaper. The water is so blue it looks like the color little kids use for water in crayon pictures.

I really, really liked both The Magicians and The Magician King - I liked The Magician King more because I read them both post-college and so obviously the second book speaks so much more to that. Honestly though, among the most depressing books I have ever, ever read. The fox sex scene is amazingly hot though.

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus Your comment reminds me of my favorite Salinger story, "The Inverted Forest," which is also maybe the most depressing story I've ever read. It also confirms the bullet dodgingness of ElDan's anecdote.

Too bad I changed my profile pic to something yet different instead of back to porn Lindsay. Between the mbv one and this article I could have had a streak of topical pictures.

The Hairpin did a thread like that recently and, of course, some of the things people were looking for turned out to be Ray Bradbury or The Peanut Butter Solution.

I had a good friend in college who my mom and other friends kept being like "He's so cute! Don't you like him?" but felt nothing - he was dating the same girl basically since the first day of school so I didn't think about it and I always regarded him as only a friend. They were kind of on/off for a while and one of

My mom has always said she married a man with a beard, so if my dad shaves, they're divorced.

Well, then you guys are all wrong.

I don't think that's really true. There is something different about being in a same-sex environment, even if you're gay, where it is less of a "free for all." I think probably the origin of it is the fact that most people are heterosexual, but even that aside. Think about it. In college, most gay men and women still

I do crossword puzzles at the bar. (Sometimes I've read, but usually crossword.) If someone starts talking to me, I can either stop doing the puzzle or tell him that I'm busy with the crossword puzzle depending on whether or not I am interested. I've never been harassed on the subway so I might be less wary than most,

I don't think that's a good feeling. It is really bad to feel that you "need" to be on the computer and kind of fucked up that two people would be together for the point of being together, yet doing stuff online instead of interacting with each other. There are some things online that are really rewarding and

Also, it really is horrible how hyper-picky it makes people. When I look back on all the people I've gone out with, hooked up with or just been attracted to, like 75% of them I would have thrown out based on a self-description in a personal ad or just a photo when I didn't know him first. There is nothing there that

@avclub-1c3ba574dd5d0b83446d360ccb8f41b8:disqus I really like Craigslist. I went on one date that was fine, I made a platonic friend who is really cool, and I had one really amazing thing happen that later totally derailed, but I'm still really happy that it happened. I like it because it's so analog in comparison to

@avclub-fe667cc638187e2a2ed9661c0b94f457:disqus I'm not trying to catch an alpha male! I love being single! And nailing this guy. It's the modern era, we can have it all. Besides, I'm stalking someone else now.

I had a "connection" like that this spring. I met him in a really cute way - he was coming into my office to drop something off, I was leaving to run an errand, I held the door for him, saw how goodlooking he was and turned right around and walked into the office after him. Then I met him (and his parents) at this

I hate OKCupid and won't do it. Also, it recently came to my attention that if you notice, it's right there in the title - "OK." JUST OK. Not even good. Just ok. Everyone my age (I'm 25) is meeting people on OKCupid and it really pisses me off because it reduces my pool - they're putting their effort into being online

I hated those.

Though it's certainly not entirely untrue (appreciation from men is a huge part of why I appreciate being attractive and put effort into it) I kind of hate this idea that (heterosexual) women put effort into their appearance ONLY for men.
Even if I moved to a country where I wore a burqa whenever I was in public I

I grew up in a college dorm with bowls of dental dams in the restrooms so I pretty much knew everything about sex ed by the time I was in high school. Also I was lucky enough to go to a liberal public school system in MA where we got actually really good sex ed. So any parental sex advice was truly unnecessary and I

This is a really old pic. He's older (and older looking now). I think he's in his late 40's? Not that he's not good looking, but, you know.