
My friends and I got in a huge argument in college about whether "milkshake" refers to oral sex or to tits. I said oral sex, most of them said tits. Thoughts? I think oral sex is much more logical, because it's a teachable skill.

I hate the idea of it but I unfortunately find the song itself weirdly compelling. It just goes to show how subjective taste is because I was just whining in the Grammys thread about how We Are Young is the worst hit song I've ever heard.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Yeah, if you are carrying that much debt and from private lenders, I can understand it being a legitimate burden. I didn't mean to sound insensitive - I just know some people who make a big deal out of paying their student loans themselves. I will say that I can

I didn't think we had trolls, just characters and jerks. Still not convinced we actually have trolls. I think a lot of people don't understand what a troll literally is.

Yeah for me it's the social relationships and also I was kicked out of somewhere for being too drunk in November (everyone thinks this is really funny, because I look like a small well-behaved person, but it was one of the worst experiences of my life) and it just makes me act literally like a psychotic stalker. I

I decided to quit drinking too at least for a while (Saturday before last, inspired by the previous Friday night). I admit I used to think that I was too good to do that but honestly, I kind of have a drinking problem, and I am pleased about this decision. I never wanted to do it before because I actually don't have

I'm kind of interested that it seems to bother so many people. I don't care about my student loan debt at all. I don't factor its existence into my life in any way or think of it as being in debt. I just pay it every month. If it were a major financial imposition, I can understand caring about it, but you can apply to

The highlight of my (three day, snow day including!) weekend was reading this wonderful new YA book, Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys. Her first book was Between Shades of Gray about the deportations to prison camps from the Baltics under Stalin, which 100% blew me away, and this new book did not disappoint in the

What do you mean "deal with trolls"? Do we really have trolls?

Fuck you, you're wrong

There is no way you can convince me that We Are Young is not objectively much worse than Call Me Maybe.

We Are Young is one of the worst fucking songs I've ever heard on the radio and Call Me Maybe is legitimately wonderful and actually original sounding. In terms of cultural impact it was clearly the song of the year. Jesus christ.

@avclub-2ac233bc53744593f485e5752aaa692a:disqus To be fair, grad students really, really don't get paid very much. Depending on your circumstances, and especially if you have kids and your spouse is also in grad school, it's often not really a living wage. And it varies widely from university to university. The

There are a TON of movies about the aftermath of WWII, but I can't think of a lot of recent ones with what we think of as historical accuracy. Most of them are rubble films and really propagandist, whether focusing on the victimization of German citizens, or Zionist.
A Woman in Berlin springs to mind, also Europa

@HipsterDBag You've said this before but I think that it's that your definition of "talking over" and other people's are different, not the actual behavior. What you're describing here is more like normal signs of being engaged in a conversation and signaling that interest verbally, or with nodding, facial

The best bar in the world is Jimmy's in Hyde Park (Chicago). I get sad every time I walk into a different bar because it's not Jimmy's.

I vacuum my room twice a week, but just my (small) bedroom, and I have a stick vacuum, and I'm insane. I also am single and have nothing better to do.

I find people being irritated by Valentine's Day and thinking it's lame and stupid annoying itself. In times past I too used to make a thing out of wearing all black and never red or pink on Valentine's Day because I thought it was cool to be all bitter and disaffected. But then I sort of woke up and realized that

I HATE the Snorg tees ads. I hate that model. I find it deeply disturbing the way she's sort of technically hot, but basically only porn hot. Like you'd never be "Oh, that's a cute girl I'd like to talk to," just "I want to put something in her stupid mouth."

Yeah, sex seems to take longer for the same reason that near death experiences seem to take longer. The more emotionally charged something is, the more memories you form of it, and the amount of memory you have of something determines your subjective experience of how long it lasted.