
I got a new pair of Christmas socks. I'm wearing them right now. They're red and have white snowflakes, green wrapped packages and "Ho! Ho! Ho!" all over them, and at the top on either side they have a smiling cat in a Christmas scarf. They're awesome.

@paraclete_pizza:disqus I am dreading going to Russia. I don't think I will necessarily stand out visually as I look reasonably Slavic and have always been taken for local in Eastern European countries, but I'm Jewish and worried about that, and just kind of generally terrified of what an awful place it is.

@paraclete_pizza:disqus I am dreading going to Russia. I don't think I will necessarily stand out visually as I look reasonably Slavic and have always been taken for local in Eastern European countries, but I'm Jewish and worried about that, and just kind of generally terrified of what an awful place it is.

Do you really believe in low-carb? I have always firmly believed that the only reason it works for people is because it so thoroughly limits the things you "can" eat (and in particular, that the preference that attracts one to low-carb indicates that one would benefit from that effect).

Do you really believe in low-carb? I have always firmly believed that the only reason it works for people is because it so thoroughly limits the things you "can" eat (and in particular, that the preference that attracts one to low-carb indicates that one would benefit from that effect).

It's definitely a New Year's movie.

It's definitely a New Year's movie.

We go to this party that one of my best friends' parents have every year (she and I became friends freshman year of high school and, now that we're grown up, even live in the same neighborhood, which is great). I've only missed it once, to go to a wedding this past New Year's. Actually, I HIGHLY recommend going to a

We go to this party that one of my best friends' parents have every year (she and I became friends freshman year of high school and, now that we're grown up, even live in the same neighborhood, which is great). I've only missed it once, to go to a wedding this past New Year's. Actually, I HIGHLY recommend going to a

I have facebook, I'm not extremely "into" facebook and I don't use it extensively, but I'm not self-loathing about it. I have some friends whose doings I follow mostly through facebook and it makes me happy to know about their lives, see pictures, and read their thoughts. And occasionally I like sharing links or

I have facebook, I'm not extremely "into" facebook and I don't use it extensively, but I'm not self-loathing about it. I have some friends whose doings I follow mostly through facebook and it makes me happy to know about their lives, see pictures, and read their thoughts. And occasionally I like sharing links or

I like the facebook birthday thing. I don't usually get an overwhelming slew of them, but this year I got a bunch of happy birthdays from people I genuinely like, know genuinely like me, but whom I'm not in touch with (largely kids I lived in the same dorm as in college). I don't get any happy birthdays from people I

I like the facebook birthday thing. I don't usually get an overwhelming slew of them, but this year I got a bunch of happy birthdays from people I genuinely like, know genuinely like me, but whom I'm not in touch with (largely kids I lived in the same dorm as in college). I don't get any happy birthdays from people I

I love all the Edward Eager books! I read them when I was a kid. The first one is actually Half Magic and the others are sequels (and I think one or two are not the same characters but in the same "world," but I can't remember 100% precisely). I've never reread them as an adult - I'm into children's books but I

I love all the Edward Eager books! I read them when I was a kid. The first one is actually Half Magic and the others are sequels (and I think one or two are not the same characters but in the same "world," but I can't remember 100% precisely). I've never reread them as an adult - I'm into children's books but I

The problem with online dating is that it encourages people to be picky in a way they wouldn't be in real life, which is unproductive. Like, of all the people I've gone out on a date with or hooked up with or even just been attracted to after meeting in person, I would have thrown out like 75% of them based on a

The problem with online dating is that it encourages people to be picky in a way they wouldn't be in real life, which is unproductive. Like, of all the people I've gone out on a date with or hooked up with or even just been attracted to after meeting in person, I would have thrown out like 75% of them based on a

First of all, a thousand deaths to the letter writer for using "gift" as a verb. What genius decided it sounded like better English to say "gift with" instead of "give"?

First of all, a thousand deaths to the letter writer for using "gift" as a verb. What genius decided it sounded like better English to say "gift with" instead of "give"?

Yeah, that is definitely wrong . . . that's not supposed to happen. I also found that I've got the strongest effect the first time I ever had it, or the first time after a long period (like months, or a couple years) of not having had it.