
Yeah, that is definitely wrong . . . that's not supposed to happen. I also found that I've got the strongest effect the first time I ever had it, or the first time after a long period (like months, or a couple years) of not having had it.

There are a lot of places that do "community acupuncture" where you pay on a sliding scale: https://www.pocacoop.com/ It's supposed to be according to your income but you say how much you want to pay. I pay $20 a followup visit and I think it was $35 for my initial visit at the place I go to now - but I live in Boston

There are a lot of places that do "community acupuncture" where you pay on a sliding scale: https://www.pocacoop.com/ It's supposed to be according to your income but you say how much you want to pay. I pay $20 a followup visit and I think it was $35 for my initial visit at the place I go to now - but I live in Boston

I mean this in a nice way, but I think you guys are overthinking it! I've been here since 2008 too. I have to admit, I sort of preferred it when it was harsher and everyone appreciated an asshole remark if it were funny enough. But everyone being very nice and remembering details about each other's lives is nice, too.

I mean this in a nice way, but I think you guys are overthinking it! I've been here since 2008 too. I have to admit, I sort of preferred it when it was harsher and everyone appreciated an asshole remark if it were funny enough. But everyone being very nice and remembering details about each other's lives is nice, too.

That's actually a very specific condition called misophonia. A lot of people have it. It involves exactly that, extreme, irrational anger at small, typically eating or mouth related noises that most people either don't notice or find only mildly irritating. Among other references, there's a long thread about it on my

That's actually a very specific condition called misophonia. A lot of people have it. It involves exactly that, extreme, irrational anger at small, typically eating or mouth related noises that most people either don't notice or find only mildly irritating. Among other references, there's a long thread about it on my

I agree, those sound awesome.

I agree, those sound awesome.

Oh, also, we always have Hungarian mushroom soup and make-your-own cold cut sandwiches for Christmas eve dinner, by tradition. The recipe is actually from the Moosewood Cookbook, so it can't be that terribly old a tradition, but it's the best soup ever.

Oh, also, we always have Hungarian mushroom soup and make-your-own cold cut sandwiches for Christmas eve dinner, by tradition. The recipe is actually from the Moosewood Cookbook, so it can't be that terribly old a tradition, but it's the best soup ever.

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus Another thing with me is that I'm a little bit of an exhibitionist (I don't, like, open my raincoat at people, but I tend to walk around in my underwear/naked even sometimes when I think it might be possible one of my roommates would see me . . . I live with guys. Also,

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus Another thing with me is that I'm a little bit of an exhibitionist (I don't, like, open my raincoat at people, but I tend to walk around in my underwear/naked even sometimes when I think it might be possible one of my roommates would see me . . . I live with guys. Also,

Random contribution: Is anyone else an acupuncture fan? I LOVE acupuncture. I have my appointment tonight, in fact. I am the least likely person to believe in alternative medicine, "energy," self help books or anything like that, but there are a lot of studies showing acupuncture works. And it really works for me.

Random contribution: Is anyone else an acupuncture fan? I LOVE acupuncture. I have my appointment tonight, in fact. I am the least likely person to believe in alternative medicine, "energy," self help books or anything like that, but there are a lot of studies showing acupuncture works. And it really works for me.

I was never nuts about pizza like most people are, but I had a particular aversion to it when I had an eating disorder and it genuinely impacted my social life because pizza is such a big part of the social scene for young adults. I was telling my therapist about this and she thought it was funny (in a nice way, not a

I was never nuts about pizza like most people are, but I had a particular aversion to it when I had an eating disorder and it genuinely impacted my social life because pizza is such a big part of the social scene for young adults. I was telling my therapist about this and she thought it was funny (in a nice way, not a

Walking in on someone is much more embarrassing than being walked in on (I thought everyone agreed with this, but let me know if you disagree). I seem to get walked in on a lot too (I'm not great about closing/locking bathroom doors) and I always want to start apologizing to the walker in.

Walking in on someone is much more embarrassing than being walked in on (I thought everyone agreed with this, but let me know if you disagree). I seem to get walked in on a lot too (I'm not great about closing/locking bathroom doors) and I always want to start apologizing to the walker in.

My grandmother used to make a million types of Christmas cookies and my favorite were the pizzelles (a Dutch version). We actually have her pizzelle press but I've never made them. They were kind of the quintessential marker of Christmas to me, and of when we'd always go to my grandmother's house for the holidays, so